RangeMenu.js 7.24 KB
 * @class Ext.ux.grid.menu.RangeMenu
 * @extends Ext.menu.Menu
 * Custom implementation of {@link Ext.menu.Menu} that has preconfigured items for entering numeric
 * range comparison values: less-than, greater-than, and equal-to. This is used internally
 * by {@link Ext.ux.grid.filter.NumericFilter} to create its menu.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.grid.menu.RangeMenu', {
    extend: 'Ext.menu.Menu',

     * @cfg {String} fieldCls
     * The Class to use to construct each field item within this menu
     * Defaults to:<pre>
     * fieldCls : Ext.form.field.Number
     * </pre>
    fieldCls : 'Ext.form.field.Number',

     * @cfg {Object} fieldCfg
     * The default configuration options for any field item unless superseded
     * by the <code>{@link #fields}</code> configuration.
     * Defaults to:<pre>
     * fieldCfg : {}
     * </pre>
     * Example usage:
     * <pre><code>
fieldCfg : {
    width: 150,
     * </code></pre>

     * @cfg {Object} fields
     * The field items may be configured individually
     * Defaults to <tt>undefined</tt>.
     * Example usage:
     * <pre><code>
fields : {
    gt: { // override fieldCfg options
        width: 200,
        fieldCls: Ext.ux.form.CustomNumberField // to override default {@link #fieldCls}
     * </code></pre>

     * @cfg {Object} itemIconCls
     * The itemIconCls to be applied to each comparator field item.
     * Defaults to:<pre>
itemIconCls : {
    gt : 'ux-rangemenu-gt',
    lt : 'ux-rangemenu-lt',
    eq : 'ux-rangemenu-eq'
     * </pre>
    itemIconCls : {
        gt : 'ux-rangemenu-gt',
        lt : 'ux-rangemenu-lt',
        eq : 'ux-rangemenu-eq'

     * @cfg {Object} fieldLabels
     * Accessible label text for each comparator field item. Can be overridden by localization
     * files. Defaults to:<pre>
fieldLabels : {
     gt: 'Greater Than',
     lt: 'Less Than',
     eq: 'Equal To'
    fieldLabels: {
        gt: 'Greater Than',
        lt: 'Less Than',
        eq: 'Equal To'

     * @cfg {Object} menuItemCfgs
     * Default configuration options for each menu item
     * Defaults to:<pre>
menuItemCfgs : {
    emptyText: 'Enter Filter Text...',
    selectOnFocus: true,
    width: 125
     * </pre>
    menuItemCfgs : {
        emptyText: 'Enter Number...',
        selectOnFocus: false,
        width: 155

     * @cfg {Array} menuItems
     * The items to be shown in this menu.  Items are added to the menu
     * according to their position within this array. Defaults to:<pre>
     * menuItems : ['lt','gt','-','eq']
     * </pre>
    menuItems : ['lt', 'gt', '-', 'eq'],

    constructor : function (config) {
        var me = this,
            fields, fieldCfg, i, len, item, cfg, Cls;


        fields = me.fields = me.fields || {};
        fieldCfg = me.fieldCfg = me.fieldCfg || {};
             * @event update
             * Fires when a filter configuration has changed
             * @param {Ext.ux.grid.filter.Filter} this The filter object.
        me.updateTask = Ext.create('Ext.util.DelayedTask', me.fireUpdate, me);
        for (i = 0, len = me.menuItems.length; i < len; i++) {
            item = me.menuItems[i];
            if (item !== '-') {
                // defaults
                cfg = {
                    itemId: 'range-' + item,
                    enableKeyEvents: true,
                    hideLabel: false,
                    fieldLabel: me.iconTpl.apply({
                        cls: me.itemIconCls[item] || 'no-icon',
                        text: me.fieldLabels[item] || '',
                        src: Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL
                    labelSeparator: '',
                    labelWidth: 29,
                    labelStyle: 'position: relative;',
                    listeners: {
                        scope: me,
                        change: me.onInputChange,
                        keyup: me.onInputKeyUp,
                        el: {
                            click: function(e) {
                    activate: Ext.emptyFn,
                    deactivate: Ext.emptyFn
                    // custom configs
                    Ext.applyIf(fields[item] || {}, fieldCfg[item]),
                    // configurable defaults
                Cls = cfg.fieldCls || me.fieldCls;
                item = fields[item] = Ext.create(Cls, cfg);

     * @private
     * called by this.updateTask
    fireUpdate : function () {
        this.fireEvent('update', this);
     * Get and return the value of the filter.
     * @return {String} The value of this filter
    getValue : function () {
        var result = {}, key, field;
        for (key in this.fields) {
            field = this.fields[key];
            if (field.isValid() && field.getValue() !== null) {
                result[key] = field.getValue();
        return result;
     * Set the value of this menu and fires the 'update' event.
     * @param {Object} data The data to assign to this menu
    setValue : function (data) {
        var me = this,

        for (key in me.fields) {
            // Prevent field's change event from tiggering a Store filter. The final upate event will do that
            field = me.fields[key];
            field.setValue(key in data ? data[key] : '');

        // Trigger the filering of the Store
        me.fireEvent('update', me);

     * @private
     * Handler method called when there is a keyup event on an input
     * item of this menu.
    onInputKeyUp: function(field, e) {
        if (e.getKey() === e.RETURN && field.isValid()) {

     * @private
     * Handler method called when the user changes the value of one of the input
     * items in this menu.
    onInputChange: function(field) {
        var me = this,
            fields = me.fields,
            eq = fields.eq,
            gt = fields.gt,
            lt = fields.lt;

        if (field == eq) {
            if (gt) {
            if (lt) {
        else {

        // restart the timer
}, function() {

     * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate} iconTpl
     * A template for generating the label for each field in the menu
    this.prototype.iconTpl = Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
        '<img src="{src}" alt="{text}" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'menu-item-icon ux-rangemenu-icon {cls}" />'
