examples.js 4.62 KB

Ext.example = function(){
    var msgCt;

    function createBox(t, s){
       // return ['<div class="msg">',
       //         '<div class="x-box-tl"><div class="x-box-tr"><div class="x-box-tc"></div></div></div>',
       //         '<div class="x-box-ml"><div class="x-box-mr"><div class="x-box-mc"><h3>', t, '</h3>', s, '</div></div></div>',
       //         '<div class="x-box-bl"><div class="x-box-br"><div class="x-box-bc"></div></div></div>',
       //         '</div>'].join('');
       return '<div class="msg"><h3>' + t + '</h3><p>' + s + '</p></div>';
    return {
        msg : function(title, format){
                msgCt = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {id:'msg-div'}, true);
            var s = Ext.String.format.apply(String, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
            var m = Ext.DomHelper.append(msgCt, createBox(title, s), true);
            m.slideIn('t').ghost("t", { delay: 1000, remove: true});

        init : function(){
                // It's better to create the msg-div here in order to avoid re-layouts 
                // later that could interfere with the HtmlEditor and reset its iFrame.
                msgCt = Ext.DomHelper.insertFirst(document.body, {id:'msg-div'}, true);
//            var t = Ext.get('exttheme');
//            if(!t){ // run locally?
//                return;
//            }
//            var theme = Cookies.get('exttheme') || 'aero';
//            if(theme){
//                t.dom.value = theme;
//                Ext.getBody().addClass('x-'+theme);
//            }
//            t.on('change', function(){
//                Cookies.set('exttheme', t.getValue());
//                setTimeout(function(){
//                    window.location.reload();
//                }, 250);
//            });
//            var lb = Ext.get('lib-bar');
//            if(lb){
//                lb.show();
//            }

Ext.onReady(Ext.example.init, Ext.example);

Ext.example.shortBogusMarkup = '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, '+
    'sodales a, porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales '+
    'non, iaculis ac, lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet '+
    'tincidunt quam turpis vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla.</p>';

Ext.example.bogusMarkup = '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed metus nibh, sodales a, '+
    'porta at, vulputate eget, dui. Pellentesque ut nisl. Maecenas tortor turpis, interdum non, sodales non, iaculis ac, '+
    'lacus. Vestibulum auctor, tortor quis iaculis malesuada, libero lectus bibendum purus, sit amet tincidunt quam turpis '+
    'vel lacus. In pellentesque nisl non sem. Suspendisse nunc sem, pretium eget, cursus a, fringilla vel, urna.<br/><br/>'+
    'Aliquam commodo ullamcorper erat. Nullam vel justo in neque porttitor laoreet. Aenean lacus dui, consequat eu, adipiscing '+
    'eget, nonummy non, nisi. Morbi nunc est, dignissim non, ornare sed, luctus eu, massa. Vivamus eget quam. Vivamus tincidunt '+
    'diam nec urna. Curabitur velit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</p>';

// old school cookie functions
var Cookies = {};
Cookies.set = function(name, value){
     var argv = arguments;
     var argc = arguments.length;
     var expires = (argc > 2) ? argv[2] : null;
     var path = (argc > 3) ? argv[3] : '/';
     var domain = (argc > 4) ? argv[4] : null;
     var secure = (argc > 5) ? argv[5] : false;
     document.cookie = name + "=" + escape (value) +
       ((expires == null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) +
       ((path == null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +
       ((domain == null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) +
       ((secure == true) ? "; secure" : "");

Cookies.get = function(name){
	var arg = name + "=";
	var alen = arg.length;
	var clen = document.cookie.length;
	var i = 0;
	var j = 0;
	while(i < clen){
		j = i + alen;
		if (document.cookie.substring(i, j) == arg)
			return Cookies.getCookieVal(j);
		i = document.cookie.indexOf(" ", i) + 1;
		if(i == 0)
	return null;

Cookies.clear = function(name) {
    document.cookie = name + "=" +
    "; expires=Thu, 01-Jan-70 00:00:01 GMT";

Cookies.getCookieVal = function(offset){
   var endstr = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset);
   if(endstr == -1){
       endstr = document.cookie.length;
   return unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, endstr));