animated-dataview.js 5.89 KB
Ext.Loader.setConfig({enabled: true});
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.ux.DataView', '../ux/DataView/');


Ext.onReady(function() {
    //data to be loaded into the ArrayStore
    var data = [
        [true,  false, 1,  "LG KS360", 54, "240 x 320 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Pink", "Slider", 359, 2.400000],
        [true,  true,  2,  "Sony Ericsson C510a Cyber-shot", 180, "320 x 240 pixels", "3.2 Megapixel", "Future black", "Candy bar", 11, 0.000000],
        [true,  true,  3,  "LG PRADA KE850", 155, "240 x 400 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Black", "Candy bar", 113, 0.000000],
        [true,  true,  4,  "Nokia N900 Smartphone 32 GB", 499, "800 x 480 pixels", "5 Megapixel", "( the image of the product displayed may be of a different color )", "Slider", 320, 3.500000],
        [true,  false, 5,  "Motorola RAZR V3", 65, "96 x 80 pixels", "0.3 Megapixel", "Silver", "Folder type phone", 5, 2.200000],
        [true,  true,  6,  "LG KC910 Renoir", 242, "240 x 400 pixels", "8 Megapixel", "Black", "Candy bar", 79, 0.000000],
        [true,  true,  7,  "BlackBerry Curve 8520 BlackBerry", 299, "320 x 240 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Frost", "Candy bar", 320, 2.640000],
        [true,  true,  8,  "Sony Ericsson W580i Walkman", 120, "240 x 320 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Urban gray", "Slider", 1, 0.000000],
        [true,  true,  9,  "Nokia E63 Smartphone 110 MB", 170, "320 x 240 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Ultramarine blue", "Candy bar", 319, 2.360000],
        [true,  true,  10, "Sony Ericsson W705a Walkman", 274, "320 x 240 pixels", "3.2 Megapixel", "Luxury silver", "Slider", 5, 0.000000],
        [false, false, 11, "Nokia 5310 XpressMusic", 140, "320 x 240 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Blue", "Candy bar", 344, 2.000000],
        [false, true,  12, "Motorola SLVR L6i", 50, "128 x 160 pixels", "", "Black", "Candy bar", 38, 0.000000],
        [false, true,  13, "T-Mobile Sidekick 3 Smartphone 64 MB", 75, "240 x 160 pixels", "1.3 Megapixel", "", "Sidekick", 115, 0.000000],
        [false, true,  14, "Audiovox CDM8600", 5, "", "", "", "Folder type phone", 1, 0.000000],
        [false, true,  15, "Nokia N85", 315, "320 x 240 pixels", "5 Megapixel", "Copper", "Dual slider", 143, 2.600000],
        [false, true,  16, "Sony Ericsson XPERIA X1", 399, "800 x 480 pixels", "3.2 Megapixel", "Solid black", "Slider", 14, 0.000000],
        [false, true,  17, "Motorola W377", 77, "128 x 160 pixels", "0.3 Megapixel", "", "Folder type phone", 35, 0.000000],
        [true,  true,  18, "LG Xenon GR500", 1, "240 x 400 pixels", "2 Megapixel", "Red", "Slider", 658, 2.800000],
        [true,  false, 19, "BlackBerry Curve 8900 BlackBerry", 349, "480 x 360 pixels", "3.2 Megapixel", "", "Candy bar", 21, 2.440000],
        [true,  false, 20, "Samsung SGH U600 Ultra Edition 10.9", 135, "240 x 320 pixels", "3.2 Megapixel", "", "Slider", 169, 2.200000]

    Ext.define('Mobile', {
        extend: '',
        fields: [
            {name: 'hasEmail', type: 'bool'},
            {name: 'hasCamera', type: 'bool'},
            {name: 'id', type: 'int'},
            {name: 'price', type: 'int'},
            {name: 'reviews', type: 'int'},
            {name: 'screen-size', type: 'int'}

    var store = Ext.create('', {
        model: 'Mobile',
        sortInfo: {
            field    : 'name',
            direction: 'ASC'
        data: data

    var dataview = Ext.create('Ext.view.View', {
        deferInitialRefresh: false,
        store: store,
        tpl  : Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
            '<tpl for=".">',
                '<div class="phone">',
                    (!Ext.isIE6? '<img width="64" height="64" src="images/phones/{[ /g, "-")]}.png" />' :
                     '<div style="width:74px;height:74px;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src=\'images/phones/{[ /g, "-")]}.png\',sizingMethod=\'scale\')"></div>'),
                    '<span>{price:usMoney} ({reviews} Review{[ == 1 ? "" : "s"]})</span>',

        plugins : [
            Ext.create('Ext.ux.DataView.Animated', {
                duration  : 550,
                idProperty: 'id'
        id: 'phones',

        itemSelector: '',
        overItemCls : 'phone-hover',
        multiSelect : true,
        autoScroll  : true

    var phoneSlider = Ext.create('Ext.slider.Multi', {
        hideLabel: true,
        width    : 300,
        minValue : 0,
        maxValue : 500,
        values   : [80, 320],

        listeners: {
            change: {
                buffer: 70,
                fn    : filterData

    Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
        title: 'Animated DataView',
        layout: 'fit',
        items : dataview,
        height: 555,
        width : 650,
        tbar  : [
            'Filter phone price:',
            ' ',
        renderTo: 'docbody'

    //filters the store based on the current slider values
    function filterData(slider) {
        var values  = slider.getValues();

        var test = [];

        //TODO: the suspend/resume hack can be removed once Filtering has been updated
            fn: function(record) {
                return record.get('price') >= values[0] && record.get('price') <= values[1];

        store.sort('name', 'ASC');

    //perform initial filter