History.js 8.53 KB
 * History management component that allows you to register arbitrary tokens that signify application
 * history state on navigation actions.  You can then handle the history {@link #change} event in order
 * to reset your application UI to the appropriate state when the user navigates forward or backward through
 * the browser history stack.
 * ## Initializing
 * The {@link #init} method of the History object must be called before using History. This sets up the internal
 * state and must be the first thing called before using History.
Ext.define('Ext.util.History', {
    singleton: true,
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.History',
    mixins: {
        observable: 'Ext.util.Observable'

     * @property
     * True to use `window.top.location.hash` or false to use `window.location.hash`.
    useTopWindow: true,

     * @property
     * The id of the hidden field required for storing the current history token.
    fieldId: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'history-field',
     * @property
     * The id of the iframe required by IE to manage the history stack.
    iframeId: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'history-frame',

    constructor: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.oldIEMode = Ext.isIE6 || Ext.isIE7 || !Ext.isStrict && Ext.isIE8;
        me.iframe = null;
        me.hiddenField = null;
        me.ready = false;
        me.currentToken = null;

    getHash: function() {
        var href = window.location.href,
            i = href.indexOf("#");

        return i >= 0 ? href.substr(i + 1) : null;

    setHash: function (hash) {
        var me = this,
            win = me.useTopWindow ? window.top : window;
        try {
            win.location.hash = hash;
        } catch (e) {
            // IE can give Access Denied (esp. in popup windows)

    doSave: function() {
        this.hiddenField.value = this.currentToken;

    handleStateChange: function(token) {
        this.currentToken = token;
        this.fireEvent('change', token);

    updateIFrame: function(token) {
        var html = '<html><body><div id="state">' +
                    Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(token) +

        try {
            doc = this.iframe.contentWindow.document;
            return true;
        } catch (e) {
            return false;

    checkIFrame: function () {
        var me = this,
            contentWindow = me.iframe.contentWindow,
            doc, elem, oldToken, oldHash;

        if (!contentWindow || !contentWindow.document) {
            Ext.Function.defer(this.checkIFrame, 10, this);

        doc = contentWindow.document;
        elem = doc.getElementById("state");
        oldToken = elem ? elem.innerText : null;
        oldHash = me.getHash();

            run: function () {
                var doc = contentWindow.document,
                    elem = doc.getElementById("state"),
                    newToken = elem ? elem.innerText : null,
                    newHash = me.getHash();

                if (newToken !== oldToken) {
                    oldToken = newToken;
                    oldHash = newToken;
                } else if (newHash !== oldHash) {
                    oldHash = newHash;
            interval: 50,
            scope: me
        me.ready = true;
        me.fireEvent('ready', me);

    startUp: function () {
        var me = this,

        me.currentToken = me.hiddenField.value || this.getHash();

        if (me.oldIEMode) {
        } else {
            hash = me.getHash();
                run: function () {
                    var newHash = me.getHash();
                    if (newHash !== hash) {
                        hash = newHash;
                interval: 50,
                scope: me
            me.ready = true;
            me.fireEvent('ready', me);


     * Initializes the global History instance.
     * @param {Function} [onReady] A callback function that will be called once the history
     * component is fully initialized.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (`this` reference) in which the callback is executed.
     * Defaults to the browser window.
    init: function (onReady, scope) {
        var me = this,
            DomHelper = Ext.DomHelper;

        if (me.ready) {
            Ext.callback(onReady, scope, [me]);

        if (!Ext.isReady) {
            Ext.onReady(function() {
                me.init(onReady, scope);

        <form id="history-form" class="x-hide-display">
            <input type="hidden" id="x-history-field" />
            <iframe id="x-history-frame"></iframe>
        me.hiddenField = Ext.getDom(me.fieldId);
        if (!me.hiddenField) {
            me.hiddenField = Ext.getBody().createChild({
                id: Ext.id(),
                tag: 'form',
                cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'hide-display',
                children: [{
                    tag: 'input',
                    type: 'hidden',
                    id: me.fieldId
            }, false, true).firstChild;

        if (me.oldIEMode) {
            me.iframe = Ext.getDom(me.iframeId);
            if (!me.iframe) {
                me.iframe = DomHelper.append(me.hiddenField.parentNode, {
                    tag: 'iframe',
                    id: me.iframeId,
                    src: Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL

             * @event ready
             * Fires when the Ext.util.History singleton has been initialized and is ready for use.
             * @param {Ext.util.History} The Ext.util.History singleton.
             * @event change
             * Fires when navigation back or forwards within the local page's history occurs.
             * @param {String} token An identifier associated with the page state at that point in its history.

        if (onReady) {
            me.on('ready', onReady, scope, {single: true});

     * Add a new token to the history stack. This can be any arbitrary value, although it would
     * commonly be the concatenation of a component id and another id marking the specific history
     * state of that component. Example usage:
     *     // Handle tab changes on a TabPanel
     *     tabPanel.on('tabchange', function(tabPanel, tab){
     *          Ext.History.add(tabPanel.id + ':' + tab.id);
     *     });
     * @param {String} token The value that defines a particular application-specific history state
     * @param {Boolean} [preventDuplicates=true] When true, if the passed token matches the current token
     * it will not save a new history step. Set to false if the same state can be saved more than once
     * at the same history stack location.
    add: function (token, preventDup) {
        var me = this;

        if (preventDup !== false) {
            if (me.getToken() === token) {
                return true;

        if (me.oldIEMode) {
            return me.updateIFrame(token);
        } else {
            return true;

     * Programmatically steps back one step in browser history (equivalent to the user pressing the Back button).
    back: function() {

     * Programmatically steps forward one step in browser history (equivalent to the user pressing the Forward button).
    forward: function(){

     * Retrieves the currently-active history token.
     * @return {String} The token
    getToken: function() {
        return this.ready ? this.currentToken : this.getHash();