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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated'>/**
</span> * @author Ed Spencer (
 * Transition plugin for DataViews
Ext.define('Ext.ux.DataView.Animated', {

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-property-defaults'>    /**
</span>     * @property defaults
     * @type Object
     * Default configuration options for all DataViewTransition instances
    defaults: {
        duration  : 750,
        idProperty: 'id'
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-constructor'>    /**
</span>     * Creates the plugin instance, applies defaults
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} config Optional config object
    constructor: function(config) {
        Ext.apply(this, config || {}, this.defaults);

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-init'>    /**
</span>     * Initializes the transition plugin. Overrides the dataview's default refresh function
     * @param {Ext.view.View} dataview The dataview
    init: function(dataview) {
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-property-dataview'>        /**
</span>         * @property dataview
         * @type Ext.view.View
         * Reference to the DataView this instance is bound to
        this.dataview = dataview;
        var idProperty = this.idProperty,
            store =;
        dataview.blockRefresh = true;
        dataview.updateIndexes = Ext.Function.createSequence(dataview.updateIndexes, function() {
            this.getTargetEl().select(this.itemSelector).each(function(element, composite, index) {
       = = Ext.util.Format.format(&quot;{0}-{1}&quot;,, store.getAt(index).internalId);
            }, this);
        }, dataview);
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-property-dataviewID'>        /**
</span>         * @property dataviewID
         * @type String
         * The string ID of the DataView component. This is used internally when animating child objects
        this.dataviewID =;
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-property-cachedStoreData'>        /**
</span>         * @property cachedStoreData
         * @type Object
         * A cache of existing store data, keyed by id. This is used to determine
         * whether any items were added or removed from the store on data change
        this.cachedStoreData = {};
        //catch the store data with the snapshot immediately
        this.cacheStoreData( || store.snapshot);

        dataview.on('resize', function() {
            var store =;
            if (store.getCount() &gt; 0) {
                //, store);
        }, this);
       'datachanged', reDraw, this);
        function reDraw(store) {
            var parentEl = dataview.getTargetEl(),
                calcItem = store.getAt(0),
                added    = this.getAdded(store),
                removed  = this.getRemoved(store),
                previous = this.getRemaining(store),
                existing = Ext.apply({}, previous, added);
            //hide old items
            Ext.each(removed, function(item) {
                var id = this.dataviewID + '-' + item.internalId;
                    remove  : false,
                    duration: duration,
                    opacity : 0,
                    useDisplay: true,
                    callback: function() {
            }, this);
            //store is empty
            if (calcItem == undefined) {
            var el = Ext.get(this.dataviewID + &quot;-&quot; + calcItem.internalId);
            //if there is nothing rendered, force a refresh and return. This happens when loading asynchronously (was not
            //covered correctly in previous versions, which only accepted local data)
            if (!el) {
                return true;
            //calculate the number of rows and columns we have
            var itemCount   = store.getCount(),
                itemWidth   = el.getMargin('lr') + el.getWidth(),
                itemHeight  = el.getMargin('bt') + el.getHeight(),
                dvWidth     = parentEl.getWidth(),
                columns     = Math.floor(dvWidth / itemWidth),
                rows        = Math.ceil(itemCount / columns),
                currentRows = Math.ceil(this.getExistingCount() / columns);
            //stores the current top and left values for each element (discovered below)
            var oldPositions = {},
                newPositions = {},
                elCache      = {};
            //find current positions of each element and save a reference in the elCache
            Ext.iterate(previous, function(id, item) {
                var id = item.internalId,
                    el = elCache[id] = Ext.get(this.dataviewID + '-' + id);
                oldPositions[id] = {
                    top : el.getTop()  - parentEl.getTop()  - el.getMargin('t') - parentEl.getPadding('t'),
                    left: el.getLeft() - parentEl.getLeft() - el.getMargin('l') - parentEl.getPadding('l')
            }, this);
            //make sure the correct styles are applied to the parent element
                display : 'block',
                position: 'relative'
            //set absolute positioning on all DataView items. We need to set position, left and 
            //top at the same time to avoid any flickering
            Ext.iterate(previous, function(id, item) {
                var oldPos = oldPositions[id],
                    el     = elCache[id];

                if (el.getStyle('position') != 'absolute') {
                        position: 'absolute',
                        left    : oldPos.left + &quot;px&quot;,
                        top     : + &quot;px&quot;
            //get new positions
            var index = 0;
            Ext.iterate(, function(item) {
                var id = item.internalId,
                    el = elCache[id];
                var column = index % columns,
                    row    = Math.floor(index / columns),
                    top    = row    * itemHeight,
                    left   = column * itemWidth;
                newPositions[id] = {
                    top : top,
                    left: left
                index ++;
            }, this);
            //do the movements
            var startTime  = new Date(),
                duration   = this.duration,
                dataviewID = this.dataviewID;
            var doAnimate = function() {
                var elapsed  = new Date() - startTime,
                    fraction = elapsed / duration,

                if (fraction &gt;= 1) {
                    for (id in newPositions) {
               + '-' + id).applyStyles({
                            top : newPositions[id].top + &quot;px&quot;,
                            left: newPositions[id].left + &quot;px&quot;

                } else {
                    //move each item
                    for (id in newPositions) {
                        if (!previous[id]) {
                        var oldPos  = oldPositions[id],
                            newPos  = newPositions[id],
                            oldTop  =,
                            newTop  =,
                            oldLeft = oldPos.left,
                            newLeft = newPos.left,
                            diffTop = fraction * Math.abs(oldTop  - newTop),
                            diffLeft= fraction * Math.abs(oldLeft - newLeft),
                            midTop  = oldTop  &gt; newTop  ? oldTop  - diffTop  : oldTop  + diffTop,
                            midLeft = oldLeft &gt; newLeft ? oldLeft - diffLeft : oldLeft + diffLeft;

               + '-' + id).applyStyles({
                            top : midTop + &quot;px&quot;,
                            left: midLeft + &quot;px&quot;
            var task = {
                run     : doAnimate,
                interval: 20,
                scope   : this
            //show new items
            Ext.iterate(added, function(id, item) {
       + '-' + item.internalId).applyStyles({
                    top    : newPositions[item.internalId].top + &quot;px&quot;,
                    left   : newPositions[item.internalId].left + &quot;px&quot;
       + '-' + item.internalId).animate({
                    remove  : false,
                    duration: duration,
                    opacity : 1
            }, this);
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-cacheStoreData'>    /**
</span>     * Caches the records from a store locally for comparison later
     * @param {} store The store to cache data from
    cacheStoreData: function(store) {
        this.cachedStoreData = {};
        store.each(function(record) {
             this.cachedStoreData[record.internalId] = record;
        }, this);
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-getExisting'>    /**
</span>     * Returns all records that were already in the DataView
     * @return {Object} All existing records
    getExisting: function() {
        return this.cachedStoreData;
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-getExistingCount'>    /**
</span>     * Returns the total number of items that are currently visible in the DataView
     * @return {Number} The number of existing items
    getExistingCount: function() {
        var count = 0,
            items = this.getExisting();
        for (var k in items) {
        return count;
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-getAdded'>    /**
</span>     * Returns all records in the given store that were not already present
     * @param {} store The updated store instance
     * @return {Object} Object of records not already present in the dataview in format {id: record}
    getAdded: function(store) {
        var added = {};
        store.each(function(record) {
            if (this.cachedStoreData[record.internalId] == undefined) {
                added[record.internalId] = record;
        }, this);
        return added;
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-getRemoved'>    /**
</span>     * Returns all records that are present in the DataView but not the new store
     * @param {} store The updated store instance
     * @return {Array} Array of records that used to be present
    getRemoved: function(store) {
        var removed = [],
        for (id in this.cachedStoreData) {
            if (store.findBy(function(record) {return record.internalId == id;}) == -1) {
        return removed;
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Animated-method-getRemaining'>    /**
</span>     * Returns all records that are already present and are still present in the new store
     * @param {} store The updated store instance
     * @return {Object} Object of records that are still present from last time in format {id: record}
    getRemaining: function(store) {
        var remaining = {};

        store.each(function(record) {
            if (this.cachedStoreData[record.internalId] != undefined) {
                remaining[record.internalId] = record;
        }, this);
        return remaining;