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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-component-Body'>/**
</span> * Component layout for components which maintain an inner body element which must be resized to synchronize with the
 * Component size.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.layout.component.Body', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    alias: ['layout.body'],

    extend: 'Ext.layout.component.Auto',

    /* End Definitions */

    type: 'body',

    beginLayout: function (ownerContext) {

        ownerContext.bodyContext = ownerContext.getEl('body');

    // Padding is exciting here because we have 2 el's: owner.el and owner.body. Content
    // size always includes the padding of the targetEl, which should be owner.body. But
    // it is common to have padding on owner.el also (such as a panel header), so we need
    // to do some more padding work if targetContext is not owner.el. The base class has
    // already handled the ownerContext's frameInfo (border+framing) so all that is left
    // is padding.

    calculateOwnerHeightFromContentHeight: function (ownerContext, contentHeight) {
        var height = this.callParent(arguments);

        if (ownerContext.targetContext != ownerContext) {
            height += ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().height;

        return height;

    calculateOwnerWidthFromContentWidth: function (ownerContext, contentWidth) {
        var width = this.callParent(arguments);

        if (ownerContext.targetContext != ownerContext) {
            width += ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().width;

        return width;

    measureContentWidth: function (ownerContext) {
        return ownerContext.bodyContext.setWidth(ownerContext.bodyContext.el.dom.offsetWidth, false);

    measureContentHeight: function (ownerContext) {
        return ownerContext.bodyContext.setHeight(ownerContext.bodyContext.el.dom.offsetHeight, false);

    publishInnerHeight: function (ownerContext, height) {
        var innerHeight = height - ownerContext.getFrameInfo().height,
            targetContext = ownerContext.targetContext;

        if (targetContext != ownerContext) {
            innerHeight -= ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().height;

        // return the value here, it may get used in a subclass
        return ownerContext.bodyContext.setHeight(innerHeight, !ownerContext.heightModel.natural);

    publishInnerWidth: function (ownerContext, width) {
        var innerWidth = width - ownerContext.getFrameInfo().width,
            targetContext = ownerContext.targetContext;

        if (targetContext != ownerContext) {
            innerWidth -= ownerContext.getPaddingInfo().width;

        ownerContext.bodyContext.setWidth(innerWidth, !ownerContext.widthModel.natural);