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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.ux.DataView.Draggable
 * @extends Object
 * @author Ed Spencer
Ext.create('Ext.view.View', {
    mixins: {
        draggable: 'Ext.ux.DataView.Draggable'

    initComponent: function() {
        this.mixins.draggable.init(this, {
            ddConfig: {
                ddGroup: 'someGroup'

Ext.define('Ext.ux.DataView.Draggable', {
    requires: 'Ext.dd.DragZone',

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-cfg-ghostCls'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {String} ghostCls The CSS class added to the outermost element of the created ghost proxy
     * (defaults to 'x-dataview-draggable-ghost')
    ghostCls: 'x-dataview-draggable-ghost',

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-cfg-ghostTpl'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Ext.XTemplate/Array} ghostTpl The template used in the ghost DataView
    ghostTpl: [
        '&lt;tpl for=&quot;.&quot;&gt;',

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-cfg-ddConfig'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Object} ddConfig Config object that is applied to the internally created DragZone

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-cfg-ghostConfig'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {String} ghostConfig Config object that is used to configure the internally created DataView

    init: function(dataview, config) {
<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-property-dataview'>        /**
</span>         * @property dataview
         * @type Ext.view.View
         * The Ext.view.View instance that this DragZone is attached to
        this.dataview = dataview;

        dataview.on('render', this.onRender, this);

        Ext.apply(this, {
            itemSelector: dataview.itemSelector,
            ghostConfig : {}
        }, config || {});

        Ext.applyIf(this.ghostConfig, {
            itemSelector: 'img',
            cls: this.ghostCls,
            tpl: this.ghostTpl

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-method-onRender'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Called when the attached DataView is rendered. Sets up the internal DragZone
    onRender: function() {
        var config = Ext.apply({}, this.ddConfig || {}, {
            dvDraggable: this,
            dataview   : this.dataview,
            getDragData: this.getDragData,
            getTreeNode: this.getTreeNode,
            afterRepair: this.afterRepair,
            getRepairXY: this.getRepairXY

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-property-dragZone'>        /**
</span>         * @property dragZone
         * @type Ext.dd.DragZone
         * The attached DragZone instane
        this.dragZone = Ext.create('Ext.dd.DragZone', this.dataview.getEl(), config);

    getDragData: function(e) {
        var draggable = this.dvDraggable,
            dataview  = this.dataview,
            selModel  = dataview.getSelectionModel(),
            target    = e.getTarget(draggable.itemSelector),
            selected, dragData;

        if (target) {
            if (!dataview.isSelected(target)) {

            selected = dataview.getSelectedNodes();
            dragData = {
                copy: true,
                nodes: selected,
                records: selModel.getSelection(),
                item: true

            if (selected.length == 1) {
                dragData.single = true;
                dragData.ddel = target;
            } else {
                dragData.multi = true;
                dragData.ddel = draggable.prepareGhost(selModel.getSelection()).dom;

            return dragData;

        return false;

    getTreeNode: function() {
        // console.log('test');

    afterRepair: function() {
        this.dragging = false;

        var nodes  = this.dragData.nodes,
            length = nodes.length,

        //FIXME: Ext.fly does not work here for some reason, only frames the last node
        for (i = 0; i &lt; length; i++) {
            Ext.get(nodes[i]).frame('#8db2e3', 1);

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-method-getRepairXY'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Returns the x and y co-ordinates that the dragged item should be animated back to if it was dropped on an
     * invalid drop target. If we're dragging more than one item we don't animate back and just allow afterRepair
     * to frame each dropped item.
    getRepairXY: function(e) {
        if (this.dragData.multi) {
            return false;
        } else {
            var repairEl = Ext.get(this.dragData.ddel),
                repairXY = repairEl.getXY();

            //take the item's margins and padding into account to make the repair animation line up perfectly
            repairXY[0] += repairEl.getPadding('t') + repairEl.getMargin('t');
            repairXY[1] += repairEl.getPadding('l') + repairEl.getMargin('l');

            return repairXY;

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-method-prepareGhost'>    /**
</span>     * Updates the internal ghost DataView by ensuring it is rendered and contains the correct records
     * @param {Array} records The set of records that is currently selected in the parent DataView
     * @return {Ext.view.View} The Ghost DataView
    prepareGhost: function(records) {
        var ghost = this.createGhost(records),
            store = ghost.store;


        return ghost.getEl();

<span id='Ext-ux-DataView-Draggable-method-createGhost'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Creates the 'ghost' DataView that follows the mouse cursor during the drag operation. This div is usually a
     * lighter-weight representation of just the nodes that are selected in the parent DataView.
    createGhost: function(records) {
        if (!this.ghost) {
            var ghostConfig = Ext.apply({}, this.ghostConfig, {
                store: Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
                    model: records[0].modelName

            this.ghost = Ext.create('Ext.view.View', ghostConfig);


        return this.ghost;