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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-view-DropZone'>/**
</span> * @private
Ext.define('Ext.view.DropZone', {
    extend: 'Ext.dd.DropZone',

    indicatorHtml: '&lt;div class=&quot;' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-drop-indicator-left&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-drop-indicator-right&quot;&gt;&lt;/div&gt;',
    indicatorCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-drop-indicator',

    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;
        Ext.apply(me, config);

        // Create a ddGroup unless one has been configured.
        // User configuration of ddGroups allows users to specify which
        // DD instances can interact with each other. Using one
        // based on the id of the View would isolate it and mean it can only
        // interact with a DragZone on the same View also using a generated ID.
        if (!me.ddGroup) {
            me.ddGroup = 'view-dd-zone-' + me.view.id;

        // The DropZone's encapsulating element is the View's main element. It must be this because drop gestures
        // may require scrolling on hover near a scrolling boundary. In Ext 4.x two DD instances may not use the
        // same element, so a DragZone on this same View must use the View's parent element as its element.

//  Fire an event through the client DataView. Lock this DropZone during the event processing so that
//  its data does not become corrupted by processing mouse events.
    fireViewEvent: function() {
        var me = this,

        result = me.view.fireEvent.apply(me.view, arguments);
        return result;

    getTargetFromEvent : function(e) {
        var node = e.getTarget(this.view.getItemSelector()),
            mouseY, nodeList, testNode, i, len, box;

//      Not over a row node: The content may be narrower than the View's encapsulating element, so return the closest.
//      If we fall through because the mouse is below the nodes (or there are no nodes), we'll get an onContainerOver call.
        if (!node) {
            mouseY = e.getPageY();
            for (i = 0, nodeList = this.view.getNodes(), len = nodeList.length; i &lt; len; i++) {
                testNode = nodeList[i];
                box = Ext.fly(testNode).getBox();
                if (mouseY &lt;= box.bottom) {
                    return testNode;
        return node;

    getIndicator: function() {
        var me = this;

        if (!me.indicator) {
            me.indicator = new Ext.Component({
                html: me.indicatorHtml,
                cls: me.indicatorCls,
                ownerCt: me.view,
                floating: true,
                shadow: false
        return me.indicator;

    getPosition: function(e, node) {
        var y      = e.getXY()[1],
            region = Ext.fly(node).getRegion(),

        if ((region.bottom - y) &gt;= (region.bottom - region.top) / 2) {
            pos = &quot;before&quot;;
        } else {
            pos = &quot;after&quot;;
        return pos;

<span id='Ext-view-DropZone-method-containsRecordAtOffset'>    /**
</span>     * @private Determines whether the record at the specified offset from the passed record
     * is in the drag payload.
     * @param records
     * @param record
     * @param offset
     * @returns {Boolean} True if the targeted record is in the drag payload
    containsRecordAtOffset: function(records, record, offset) {
        if (!record) {
            return false;
        var view = this.view,
            recordIndex = view.indexOf(record),
            nodeBefore = view.getNode(recordIndex + offset),
            recordBefore = nodeBefore ? view.getRecord(nodeBefore) : null;

        return recordBefore &amp;&amp; Ext.Array.contains(records, recordBefore);

    positionIndicator: function(node, data, e) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            pos = me.getPosition(e, node),
            overRecord = view.getRecord(node),
            draggingRecords = data.records,

        if (!Ext.Array.contains(draggingRecords, overRecord) &amp;&amp; (
            pos == 'before' &amp;&amp; !me.containsRecordAtOffset(draggingRecords, overRecord, -1) ||
            pos == 'after' &amp;&amp; !me.containsRecordAtOffset(draggingRecords, overRecord, 1)
        )) {
            me.valid = true;

            if (me.overRecord != overRecord || me.currentPosition != pos) {

                indicatorY = Ext.fly(node).getY() - view.el.getY() - 1;
                if (pos == 'after') {
                    indicatorY += Ext.fly(node).getHeight();
                me.getIndicator().setWidth(Ext.fly(view.el).getWidth()).showAt(0, indicatorY);

                // Cache the overRecord and the 'before' or 'after' indicator.
                me.overRecord = overRecord;
                me.currentPosition = pos;
        } else {

    invalidateDrop: function() {
        if (this.valid) {
            this.valid = false;

    // The mouse is over a View node
    onNodeOver: function(node, dragZone, e, data) {
        var me = this;

        if (!Ext.Array.contains(data.records, me.view.getRecord(node))) {
            me.positionIndicator(node, data, e);
        return me.valid ? me.dropAllowed : me.dropNotAllowed;

    // Moved out of the DropZone without dropping.
    // Remove drop position indicator
    notifyOut: function(node, dragZone, e, data) {
        var me = this;

        delete me.overRecord;
        delete me.currentPosition;
        if (me.indicator) {

    // The mouse is past the end of all nodes (or there are no nodes)
    onContainerOver : function(dd, e, data) {
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            count = view.store.getCount();

        // There are records, so position after the last one
        if (count) {
            me.positionIndicator(view.getNode(count - 1), data, e);

        // No records, position the indicator at the top
        else {
            delete me.overRecord;
            delete me.currentPosition;
            me.getIndicator().setWidth(Ext.fly(view.el).getWidth()).showAt(0, 0);
            me.valid = true;
        return me.dropAllowed;

    onContainerDrop : function(dd, e, data) {
        return this.onNodeDrop(dd, null, e, data);

    onNodeDrop: function(node, dragZone, e, data) {
        var me = this,
            dropHandled = false,
            // Create a closure to perform the operation which the event handler may use.
            // Users may now set the wait parameter in the beforedrop handler, and perform any kind
            // of asynchronous processing such as an Ext.Msg.confirm, or an Ajax request,
            // and complete the drop gesture at some point in the future by calling either the
            // processDrop or cancelDrop methods.
            dropHandlers = {
                wait: false,
                processDrop: function () {
                    me.handleNodeDrop(data, me.overRecord, me.currentPosition);
                    dropHandled = true;
                    me.fireViewEvent('drop', node, data, me.overRecord, me.currentPosition);
                cancelDrop: function() {
                    dropHandled = true;
            performOperation = false;
        if (me.valid) {
            performOperation = me.fireViewEvent('beforedrop', node, data, me.overRecord, me.currentPosition, dropHandlers);
            if (dropHandlers.wait) {
            if (performOperation !== false) {
                // If either of the drop handlers were called in the event handler, do not do it again.
                if (!dropHandled) {
        return performOperation;
    destroy: function(){
        delete this.indicator;