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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-container-Fit'>/**
</span> * This is a base class for layouts that contain a single item that automatically expands to fill the layout's
 * container. This class is intended to be extended or created via the layout:'fit'
 * {@link Ext.container.Container#layout} config, and should generally not need to be created directly via the new keyword.
 * Fit layout does not have any direct config options (other than inherited ones). To fit a panel to a container using
 * Fit layout, simply set `layout: 'fit'` on the container and add a single panel to it.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
 *         title: 'Fit Layout',
 *         width: 300,
 *         height: 150,
 *         layout:'fit',
 *         items: {
 *             title: 'Inner Panel',
 *             html: 'This is the inner panel content',
 *             bodyPadding: 20,
 *             border: false
 *         },
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody()
 *     });
 * If the container has multiple items, all of the items will all be equally sized. This is usually not
 * desired, so to avoid this, place only a **single** item in the container. This sizing of all items
 * can be used to provide a background {@link Ext.Img image} that is &quot;behind&quot; another item
 * such as a {@link Ext.view.View dataview} if you also absolutely position the items.
Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Fit', {

    /* Begin Definitions */
    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.Container',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.FitLayout',

    alias: '',

    /* End Definitions */

    itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'fit-item',
    targetCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'layout-fit',
    type: 'fit',
<span id='Ext-layout-container-Fit-cfg-defaultMargins'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Object} defaultMargins
     * If the individual contained items do not have a margins property specified or margin specified via CSS, the
     * default margins from this property will be applied to each item.
     * This property may be specified as an object containing margins to apply in the format:
     *     {
     *         top: (top margin),
     *         right: (right margin),
     *         bottom: (bottom margin),
     *         left: (left margin)
     *     }
     * This property may also be specified as a string containing space-separated, numeric margin values. The order of
     * the sides associated with each value matches the way CSS processes margin values:
     *   - If there is only one value, it applies to all sides.
     *   - If there are two values, the top and bottom borders are set to the first value and the right and left are
     *     set to the second.
     *   - If there are three values, the top is set to the first value, the left and right are set to the second,
     *     and the bottom is set to the third.
     *   - If there are four values, they apply to the top, right, bottom, and left, respectively.
    defaultMargins: {
        top: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0,
        left: 0

    manageMargins: true,

    sizePolicies: {
        0: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 0 },
        1: { setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 0 },
        2: { setsWidth: 0, setsHeight: 1 },
        3: { setsWidth: 1, setsHeight: 1 }

    getItemSizePolicy: function (item, ownerSizeModel) {
        // this layout's sizePolicy is derived from its owner's sizeModel:
        var sizeModel = ownerSizeModel || this.owner.getSizeModel(),
            mode = (sizeModel.width.shrinkWrap ? 0 : 1) |
                   (sizeModel.height.shrinkWrap ? 0 : 2);

       return this.sizePolicies[mode];

    beginLayoutCycle: function (ownerContext, firstCycle) {
        var me = this,
            // determine these before the lastSizeModels get updated:
            resetHeight = me.lastHeightModel &amp;&amp; me.lastHeightModel.calculated,
            resetWidth = me.lastWidthModel &amp;&amp; me.lastWidthModel.calculated,
            resetSizes = resetWidth || resetHeight,
            maxChildMinHeight = 0, maxChildMinWidth = 0,
            c, childItems, i, item, length, margins, minHeight, minWidth, style, undef;


        // Clear any dimensions which we set before calculation, in case the current
        // settings affect the available size. This particularly effects self-sizing
        // containers such as fields, in which the target element is naturally sized,
        // and should not be stretched by a sized child item.
        if (resetSizes &amp;&amp; ownerContext.targetContext.el.dom.tagName.toUpperCase() != 'TD') {
            resetSizes = resetWidth = resetHeight = false;

        childItems = ownerContext.childItems;
        length = childItems.length;

        for (i = 0; i &lt; length; ++i) {
            item = childItems[i];

            // On the firstCycle, we determine the max of the minWidth/Height of the items
            // since these can cause the container to grow scrollbars despite our attempts
            // to fit the child to the container.
            if (firstCycle) {
                c =;
                minHeight = c.minHeight;
                minWidth = c.minWidth;

                if (minWidth || minHeight) {
                    margins = item.marginInfo || item.getMarginInfo();
                    // if the child item has undefined minWidth/Height, these will become
                    // NaN by adding the margins...
                    minHeight += margins.height;
                    minWidth += margins.height;

                    // if the child item has undefined minWidth/Height, these comparisons
                    // will evaluate to false... that is, &quot;0 &lt; NaN&quot; == false...
                    if (maxChildMinHeight &lt; minHeight) {
                        maxChildMinHeight = minHeight;
                    if (maxChildMinWidth &lt; minWidth) {
                        maxChildMinWidth = minWidth;

            if (resetSizes) {
                style =;

                if (resetHeight) {
                    style.height = '';
                if (resetWidth) {
                    style.width = '';

        if (firstCycle) {
            ownerContext.maxChildMinHeight = maxChildMinHeight;
            ownerContext.maxChildMinWidth = maxChildMinWidth;

        // Cache the overflowX/Y flags, but make them false in shrinkWrap mode (since we
        // won't be triggering overflow in that case) and false if we have no minSize (so
        // no child to trigger an overflow).
        c =;
        ownerContext.overflowX = (!ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap &amp;&amp; 
                                   ownerContext.maxChildMinWidth &amp;&amp;
                                   (c.autoScroll || c.overflowX)) || undef;

        ownerContext.overflowY = (!ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap &amp;&amp;
                                   ownerContext.maxChildMinHeight &amp;&amp;
                                   (c.autoScroll || c.overflowY)) || undef;

    calculate : function (ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            childItems = ownerContext.childItems,
            length = childItems.length,
            containerSize = me.getContainerSize(ownerContext),
            info = {
                length: length,
                ownerContext: ownerContext,
                targetSize: containerSize
            shrinkWrapWidth = ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap,
            shrinkWrapHeight = ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap,
            overflowX = ownerContext.overflowX,
            overflowY = ownerContext.overflowY,
            scrollbars, scrollbarSize, padding, i, contentWidth, contentHeight;

        if (overflowX || overflowY) {
            // If we have children that have minHeight/Width, we may be forced to overflow
            // and gain scrollbars. If so, we want to remove their space from the other
            // axis so that we fit things inside the scrollbars rather than under them.
            scrollbars = me.getScrollbarsNeeded(
                    overflowX &amp;&amp; containerSize.width, overflowY &amp;&amp; containerSize.height,
                    ownerContext.maxChildMinWidth, ownerContext.maxChildMinHeight);

            if (scrollbars) {
                scrollbarSize = Ext.getScrollbarSize();
                if (scrollbars &amp; 1) { // if we need the hscrollbar, remove its height
                    containerSize.height -= scrollbarSize.height;
                if (scrollbars &amp; 2) { // if we need the vscrollbar, remove its width
                    containerSize.width -= scrollbarSize.width;

        // Size the child items to the container (if non-shrinkWrap):
        for (i = 0; i &lt; length; ++i) {
            info.index = i;
            me.fitItem(childItems[i], info);
        if (shrinkWrapHeight || shrinkWrapWidth) {
            padding = ownerContext.targetContext.getPaddingInfo();
            if (shrinkWrapWidth) {
                if (overflowY &amp;&amp; !containerSize.gotHeight) {
                    // if we might overflow vertically and don't have the container height,
                    // we don't know if we will need a vscrollbar or not, so we must wait
                    // for that height so that we can determine the contentWidth...
                    me.done = false;
                } else {
                    contentWidth = info.contentWidth + padding.width;
                    // the scrollbar flag (if set) will indicate that an overflow exists on
                    // the horz(1) or vert(2) axis... if not set, then there could never be
                    // an overflow...
                    if (scrollbars &amp; 2) { // if we need the vscrollbar, add its width
                        contentWidth += scrollbarSize.width;
                    if (!ownerContext.setContentWidth(contentWidth)) {
                        me.done = false;

            if (shrinkWrapHeight) {
                if (overflowX &amp;&amp; !containerSize.gotWidth) {
                    // if we might overflow horizontally and don't have the container width,
                    // we don't know if we will need a hscrollbar or not, so we must wait
                    // for that width so that we can determine the contentHeight...
                    me.done = false;
                } else {
                    contentHeight = info.contentHeight + padding.height;
                    // the scrollbar flag (if set) will indicate that an overflow exists on
                    // the horz(1) or vert(2) axis... if not set, then there could never be
                    // an overflow...
                    if (scrollbars &amp; 1) { // if we need the hscrollbar, add its height
                        contentHeight += scrollbarSize.height;
                    if (!ownerContext.setContentHeight(contentHeight)) {
                        me.done = false;

    fitItem: function (itemContext, info) {
        var me = this;

        if (itemContext.invalid) {
            me.done = false;

        info.margins = itemContext.getMarginInfo();
        info.needed = = 0;

        me.fitItemWidth(itemContext, info);
        me.fitItemHeight(itemContext, info);

        // If not all required dimensions have been satisfied, we're not done.
        if ( != info.needed) {
            me.done = false;

    fitItemWidth: function (itemContext, info) {
        var contentWidth, width;
        // Attempt to set only dimensions that are being controlled, not shrinkWrap dimensions
        if (info.ownerContext.widthModel.shrinkWrap) {
            // contentWidth must include the margins to be consistent with setItemWidth
            width = itemContext.getProp('width') + info.margins.width;
            // because we add margins, width will be NaN or a number (not undefined)

            contentWidth = info.contentWidth;
            if (contentWidth === undefined) {
                info.contentWidth = width;
            } else {
                info.contentWidth = Math.max(contentWidth, width);
        } else if (itemContext.widthModel.calculated) {
            if (info.targetSize.gotWidth) {
                this.setItemWidth(itemContext, info);

        this.positionItemX(itemContext, info);

    fitItemHeight: function (itemContext, info) {
        var contentHeight, height;
        if (info.ownerContext.heightModel.shrinkWrap) {
            // contentHeight must include the margins to be consistent with setItemHeight
            height = itemContext.getProp('height') + info.margins.height;
            // because we add margins, height will be NaN or a number (not undefined)

            contentHeight = info.contentHeight;
            if (contentHeight === undefined) {
                info.contentHeight = height;
            } else {
                info.contentHeight = Math.max(contentHeight, height);
        } else if (itemContext.heightModel.calculated) {
            if (info.targetSize.gotHeight) {
                this.setItemHeight(itemContext, info);

        this.positionItemY(itemContext, info);

    positionItemX: function (itemContext, info) {
        var margins = info.margins;

        // Adjust position to account for configured margins or if we have multiple items
        // (all items should overlap):
        if (info.index || margins.left) {
            itemContext.setProp('x', margins.left);

        if (margins.width) {
            // Need the margins for shrink-wrapping but old IE sometimes collapses the left margin into the padding
            itemContext.setProp('margin-right', margins.width);

    positionItemY: function (itemContext, info) {
        var margins = info.margins;

        if (info.index || {

        if (margins.height) {
            // Need the margins for shrink-wrapping but old IE sometimes collapses the top margin into the padding
            itemContext.setProp('margin-bottom', margins.height);

    setItemHeight: function (itemContext, info) {
        itemContext.setHeight(info.targetSize.height - info.margins.height);

    setItemWidth: function (itemContext, info) {
        itemContext.setWidth(info.targetSize.width - info.margins.width);