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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-container-Form'>/**
</span> * This is a layout that will render form Fields, one under the other all stretched to the Container width.
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
 *         width: 500,
 *         height: 300,
 *         title: &quot;FormLayout Panel&quot;,
 *         layout: 'form',
 *         renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
 *         bodyPadding: 5,
 *         defaultType: 'textfield',
 *         items: [{
 *            fieldLabel: 'First Name',
 *             name: 'first',
 *             allowBlank:false
 *         },{
 *             fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
 *             name: 'last'
 *         },{
 *             fieldLabel: 'Company',
 *             name: 'company'
 *         }, {
 *             fieldLabel: 'Email',
 *             name: 'email',
 *             vtype:'email'
 *         }, {
 *             fieldLabel: 'DOB',
 *             name: 'dob',
 *             xtype: 'datefield'
 *         }, {
 *             fieldLabel: 'Age',
 *             name: 'age',
 *             xtype: 'numberfield',
 *             minValue: 0,
 *             maxValue: 100
 *         }, {
 *             xtype: 'timefield',
 *             fieldLabel: 'Time',
 *             name: 'time',
 *             minValue: '8:00am',
 *             maxValue: '6:00pm'
 *         }]
 *     });
 * Note that any configured {@link Ext.Component#padding padding} will be ignored on items within a Form layout.
Ext.define('Ext.layout.container.Form', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    alias: 'layout.form',
    extend: 'Ext.layout.container.Auto',
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.layout.FormLayout',

    /* End Definitions */
    tableCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-layout-table',

    type: 'form',

    manageOverflow: 2,

    childEls: ['formTable'],
    padRow: '&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td class=&quot;' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-item-pad&quot; colspan=&quot;3&quot;&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;',

    renderTpl: [
        '&lt;table id=&quot;{ownerId}-formTable&quot; class=&quot;{tableCls}&quot; style=&quot;width:100%&quot; cellpadding=&quot;0&quot;&gt;',
    getRenderData: function(){
        var data = this.callParent();
        data.tableCls = this.tableCls;
        return data;    

    calculate : function (ownerContext) {
        var me = this,
            containerSize = me.getContainerSize(ownerContext, true),
            i = 0, length;

        // Once we have been widthed, we can impose that width (in a non-dirty setting) upon all children at once
        if (containerSize.gotWidth) {
            tableWidth = me.formTable.dom.offsetWidth;
            childItems = ownerContext.childItems;

            for (length = childItems.length; i &lt; length; ++i) {
                childItems[i].setWidth(tableWidth, false);
        } else {
            me.done = false;

    getRenderTarget: function() {
        return this.formTable;

    getRenderTree: function() {
        var me = this,
            result = me.callParent(arguments),
            i, len;

        for (i = 0, len = result.length; i &lt; len; i++) {
            result[i] = me.transformItemRenderTree(result[i]);
        return result;

    transformItemRenderTree: function(item) {

        if (item.tag &amp;&amp; item.tag == 'table') {
            item.tag = 'tbody';
            delete item.cellspacing;
            delete item.cellpadding;

            // IE6 doesn't separate cells nicely to provide input field
            // vertical separation. It also does not support transparent borders
            // which is how the extra 1px is added to the 2px each side cell spacing.
            // So it needs a 5px high pad row.
            if (Ext.isIE6) {
       = this.padRow;

            return item;

        return {
            tag: 'tbody',
            cn: {
                tag: 'tr',
                cn: {
                    tag: 'td',
                    colspan: 3,
                    style: 'width:100%',
                    cn: item


    isValidParent: function(item, target, position) {
        return true;

    isItemShrinkWrap: function(item) {
        return ((item.shrinkWrap === true) ? 3 : item.shrinkWrap||0) &amp; 2;

    getItemSizePolicy: function(item) {
        return {
            setsWidth: 1,
            setsHeight: 0