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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary'>/**
</span> * This feature adds an aggregate summary row at the bottom of each group that is provided
 * by the {@link Ext.grid.feature.Grouping} feature. There are two aspects to the summary:
 * ## Calculation
 * The summary value needs to be calculated for each column in the grid. This is controlled
 * by the summaryType option specified on the column. There are several built in summary types,
 * which can be specified as a string on the column configuration. These call underlying methods
 * on the store:
 *  - {@link count}
 *  - {@link sum}
 *  - {@link min}
 *  - {@link max}
 *  - {@link average}
 * Alternatively, the summaryType can be a function definition. If this is the case,
 * the function is called with an array of records to calculate the summary value.
 * ## Rendering
 * Similar to a column, the summary also supports a summaryRenderer function. This
 * summaryRenderer is called before displaying a value. The function is optional, if
 * not specified the default calculated value is shown. The summaryRenderer is called with:
 *  - value {Object} - The calculated value.
 *  - summaryData {Object} - Contains all raw summary values for the row.
 *  - field {String} - The name of the field we are calculating
 * ## Example Usage
 *     @example
 *     Ext.define('TestResult', {
 *         extend: '',
 *         fields: ['student', 'subject', {
 *             name: 'mark',
 *             type: 'int'
 *         }]
 *     });
 *     Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
 *         width: 200,
 *         height: 240,
 *         renderTo: document.body,
 *         features: [{
 *             groupHeaderTpl: 'Subject: {name}',
 *             ftype: 'groupingsummary'
 *         }],
 *         store: {
 *             model: 'TestResult',
 *             groupField: 'subject',
 *             data: [{
 *                 student: 'Student 1',
 *                 subject: 'Math',
 *                 mark: 84
 *             },{
 *                 student: 'Student 1',
 *                 subject: 'Science',
 *                 mark: 72
 *             },{
 *                 student: 'Student 2',
 *                 subject: 'Math',
 *                 mark: 96
 *             },{
 *                 student: 'Student 2',
 *                 subject: 'Science',
 *                 mark: 68
 *             }]
 *         },
 *         columns: [{
 *             dataIndex: 'student',
 *             text: 'Name',
 *             summaryType: 'count',
 *             summaryRenderer: function(value){
 *                 return Ext.String.format('{0} student{1}', value, value !== 1 ? 's' : '');
 *             }
 *         }, {
 *             dataIndex: 'mark',
 *             text: 'Mark',
 *             summaryType: 'average'
 *         }]
 *     });
Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.GroupingSummary', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.Grouping',

    alias: 'feature.groupingsummary',

    mixins: {
        summary: 'Ext.grid.feature.AbstractSummary'

    /* End Definitions */

    init: function() {;

<span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary-method-getFeatureTpl'>   /**
</span>    * Modifies the row template to include the summary row.
    * @private
    * @return {String} The modified template
   getFeatureTpl: function() {
        var tpl = this.callParent(arguments);

        if (this.showSummaryRow) {
            // lop off the end &lt;/tpl&gt; so we can attach it
            tpl = tpl.replace('&lt;/tpl&gt;', '');
            tpl += '{[this.printSummaryRow(xindex)]}&lt;/tpl&gt;';
        return tpl;

<span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary-method-getFragmentTpl'>    /**
</span>     * Gets any fragments needed for the template.
     * @private
     * @return {Object} The fragments
    getFragmentTpl: function() {
        var me = this,
            fragments = me.callParent();

        Ext.apply(fragments, me.getSummaryFragments());
        if (me.showSummaryRow) {
            // this gets called before render, so we'll setup the data here.
            me.summaryGroups =;
            me.summaryData = me.generateSummaryData();
        return fragments;

<span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary-method-getPrintData'>    /**
</span>     * Gets the data for printing a template row
     * @private
     * @param {Number} index The index in the template
     * @return {Array} The template values
    getPrintData: function(index){
        var me = this,
            columns = me.view.headerCt.getColumnsForTpl(),
            i = 0,
            length = columns.length,
            data = [],
            name = me.summaryGroups[index - 1].name,
            active = me.summaryData[name],

        for (; i &lt; length; ++i) {
            column = columns[i];
            column.gridSummaryValue = this.getColumnValue(column, active);
        return data;

<span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary-method-generateSummaryData'>    /**
</span>     * Generates all of the summary data to be used when processing the template
     * @private
     * @return {Object} The summary data
    generateSummaryData: function(){
        var me = this,
            data = {},
            remoteData = {},
            store =,
            groupField = this.getGroupField(),
            reader = store.proxy.reader,
            groups = me.summaryGroups,
            columns = me.view.headerCt.getColumnsForTpl(),

        for (i = 0, length = groups.length; i &lt; length; ++i) {
            data[groups[i].name] = {};

<span id='Ext-grid-feature-GroupingSummary-cfg-remoteRoot'>        /**
</span>         * @cfg {String} [remoteRoot=undefined]
         * The name of the property which contains the Array of summary objects.
         * It allows to use server-side calculated summaries.
        if (me.remoteRoot &amp;&amp; reader.rawData) {
            // reset reader root and rebuild extractors to extract summaries data
            root = reader.root;
            reader.root = me.remoteRoot;
            summaryRows = reader.getRoot(reader.rawData);
            sLen      = summaryRows.length;

            // Ensure the Reader has a data conversion function to convert a raw data row into a Record data hash
            if (!reader.convertRecordData) {

            for (s = 0; s &lt; sLen; s++) {
                convertedSummaryRow = {};

                // Convert a raw data row into a Record's hash object using the Reader
                reader.convertRecordData(convertedSummaryRow, summaryRows[s]);
                remoteData[convertedSummaryRow[groupField]] = convertedSummaryRow;

            // restore initial reader configuration
            reader.root = root;

        for (i = 0, length = columns.length; i &lt; length; ++i) {
            comp = Ext.getCmp(columns[i].id);
            fieldData = me.getSummary(store, comp.summaryType, comp.dataIndex, true);

            for (key in fieldData) {
                if (fieldData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    data[key][] = fieldData[key];

            for (key in remoteData) {
                if (remoteData.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                    remote = remoteData[key][comp.dataIndex];
                    if (remote !== undefined &amp;&amp; data[key] !== undefined) {
                        data[key][] = remote;
        return data;