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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-layout-component-field-HtmlEditor'>/**
</span> * Layout class for {@link Ext.form.field.HtmlEditor} fields. Sizes the toolbar, textarea, and iframe elements.
 * @private
Ext.define('Ext.layout.component.field.HtmlEditor', {
    extend: 'Ext.layout.component.field.Field',
    alias: ['layout.htmleditor'],

    type: 'htmleditor',

    // Flags to say that the item is autosizing itself.
    toolbarSizePolicy: {
        setsWidth: 0,
        setsHeight: 0

    beginLayout: function(ownerContext) {

        ownerContext.textAreaContext = ownerContext.getEl('textareaEl');
        ownerContext.iframeContext   = ownerContext.getEl('iframeEl');
        ownerContext.toolbarContext  = ownerContext.context.getCmp(this.owner.getToolbar());
    // It's not a container, can never add/remove dynamically
    renderItems: Ext.emptyFn,

    getItemSizePolicy: function (item) {
        // we are only ever called by the toolbar
        return this.toolbarSizePolicy;

    getLayoutItems: function () {
        var toolbar = this.owner.getToolbar();
        // The toolbar may not exist if we're destroying
        return toolbar ? [toolbar] : [];

    getRenderTarget: function() {
        return this.owner.bodyEl;

    publishInnerHeight: function (ownerContext, height) {
        var me = this,
            innerHeight = height - me.measureLabelErrorHeight(ownerContext) -
                          ownerContext.toolbarContext.getProp('height') -

        // If the Toolbar has not acheieved a height yet, we are not done laying out.
        if (Ext.isNumber(innerHeight)) {
        } else {
            me.done = false;