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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-fx-Manager'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.fx.Manager
 * Animation Manager which keeps track of all current animations and manages them on a frame by frame basis.
 * @private
 * @singleton

Ext.define('Ext.fx.Manager', {

    /* Begin Definitions */

    singleton: true,

    requires: ['Ext.util.MixedCollection',

    mixins: {
        queue: 'Ext.fx.Queue'

    /* End Definitions */

    constructor: function() {
        this.items = new Ext.util.MixedCollection();;

        // this.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
        //     var raf = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
        //               window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
        //               window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
        //               window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
        //               window.msRequestAnimationFrame;
        //     if (raf) {
        //         return function(callback, element) {
        //             raf(callback);
        //         };
        //     }
        //     else {
        //         return function(callback, element) {
        //             window.setTimeout(callback, Ext.fx.Manager.interval);
        //         };
        //     }
        // })();

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-cfg-interval'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Number} interval Default interval in miliseconds to calculate each frame.  Defaults to 16ms (~60fps)
    interval: 16,

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-cfg-forceJS'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Boolean} forceJS Force the use of JavaScript-based animation instead of CSS3 animation, even when CSS3
     * animation is supported by the browser. This defaults to true currently, as CSS3 animation support is still
     * considered experimental at this time, and if used should be thouroughly tested across all targeted browsers.
     * @protected
    forceJS: true,

    // @private Target factory
    createTarget: function(target) {
        var me = this,
            useCSS3 = !me.forceJS &amp;&amp; Ext.supports.Transitions,

        me.useCSS3 = useCSS3;

        if (target) {
            // dom element, string or fly
            if (target.tagName || Ext.isString(target) || target.isFly) {
                target = Ext.get(target);
                targetObj = new['Element' + (useCSS3 ? 'CSS' : '')](target);
            // Element
            else if (target.dom) {
                targetObj = new['Element' + (useCSS3 ? 'CSS' : '')](target);
            // Element Composite
            else if (target.isComposite) {
                targetObj = new['CompositeElement' + (useCSS3 ? 'CSS' : '')](target);
            // Draw Sprite
            else if (target.isSprite) {
                targetObj = new;
            // Draw Sprite Composite
            else if (target.isCompositeSprite) {
                targetObj = new;
            // Component
            else if (target.isComponent) {
                targetObj = new;
            else if (target.isAnimTarget) {
                return target;
            else {
                return null;
            return targetObj;
        else {
            return null;

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-addAnim'>    /**
</span>     * Add an Anim to the manager. This is done automatically when an Anim instance is created.
     * @param {Ext.fx.Anim} anim
    addAnim: function(anim) {
        var items = this.items,
            task = this.task;

        // Make sure we use the anim's id, not the anim target's id here. The anim id will be unique on
        // each call to addAnim. `` is the DOM element being targeted, and since multiple animations
        // can target a single DOM node concurrently, the target id cannot be assumned to be unique.
        items.add(, anim);
        //Ext.log('+     added anim ',, ', target: ',, ', duration: ', anim.duration);

        // Start the timer if not already running
        if (!task &amp;&amp; items.length) {
            task = this.task = {
                run: this.runner,
                interval: this.interval,
                scope: this
            //Ext.log('---&gt;&gt; Starting task');

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-removeAnim'>    /**
</span>     * Remove an Anim from the manager. This is done automatically when an Anim ends.
     * @param {Ext.fx.Anim} anim
    removeAnim: function(anim) {
        var me = this,
            items = me.items,
            task = me.task;
        //Ext.log('    X removed anim ',, ', target: ',, ', frames: ', anim.frameCount, ', item count: ', items.length);
        // Stop the timer if there are no more managed Anims
        if (task &amp;&amp; !items.length) {
            //Ext.log('[]--- Stopping task');
            delete me.task;

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-runner'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Runner function being called each frame
    runner: function() {
        var me = this,
            items = me.items.getRange(),
            i = 0,
            len = items.length,

        //Ext.log('      executing anim runner task with ', len, ' items');
        me.targetArr = {};

        // Single timestamp for all animations this interval
        me.timestamp = new Date();
        // Loop to start any new animations first before looping to
        // execute running animations (which will also include all animations
        // started in this loop). This is a subtle difference from simply
        // iterating in one loop and starting then running each animation,
        // but separating the loops is necessary to ensure that all new animations
        // actually kick off prior to existing ones regardless of array order.
        // Otherwise in edge cases when there is excess latency in overall
        // performance, allowing existing animations to run before new ones can
        // lead to dropped frames and subtle race conditions when they are
        // interdependent, which is often the case with certain Element fx.
        for (; i &lt; len; i++) {
            anim = items[i];
            if (anim.isReady()) {
                //Ext.log('      starting anim ',, ', target: ',;
        for (i = 0; i &lt; len; i++) {
            anim = items[i];
            if (anim.isRunning()) {
                //Ext.log('      running anim ',;
            } else if (!me.useCSS3) {
                // When using CSS3 transitions the animations get paused since they are not
                // needed once the transition is handed over to the browser, so we can
                // ignore this case. However if we are doing JS animations and something is
                // paused here it's possibly unintentional.
                //Ext.log(' (i)  anim ',, ' is active but not running...');

        // Apply all the pending changes to their targets

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-startAnim'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Start the individual animation (initialization)
    startAnim: function(anim) {

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-runAnim'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Run the individual animation for this frame
    runAnim: function(anim) {
        if (!anim) {
        var me = this,
            targetId =,
            useCSS3 = me.useCSS3 &amp;&amp; == 'element',
            elapsedTime = me.timestamp - anim.startTime,
            lastFrame = (elapsedTime &gt;= anim.duration),
            target, o;

        target = this.collectTargetData(anim, elapsedTime, useCSS3, lastFrame);
        // For CSS3 animation, we need to immediately set the first frame's attributes without any transition
        // to get a good initial state, then add the transition properties and set the final attributes.
        if (useCSS3) {
            //Ext.log(' (i)  using CSS3 transitions');
            // Flush the collected attributes, without transition
  [].attributes, true);

            // Add the end frame data
            me.collectTargetData(anim, anim.duration, useCSS3, lastFrame);

            // Pause the animation so runAnim doesn't keep getting called
            anim.paused = true;

            target =;
            // We only want to attach an event on the last element in a composite
            if ( {
                target =;

            // Listen for the transitionend event
            o = {};
            o[Ext.supports.CSS3TransitionEnd] = anim.lastFrame;
            o.scope = anim;
            o.single = true;

<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-collectTargetData'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Collect target attributes for the given Anim object at the given timestamp
     * @param {Ext.fx.Anim} anim The Anim instance
     * @param {Number} timestamp Time after the anim's start time
     * @param {Boolean} [useCSS3=false] True if using CSS3-based animation, else false
     * @param {Boolean} [isLastFrame=false] True if this is the last frame of animation to be run, else false
     * @return {Object} The animation target wrapper object containing the passed animation along with the
     * new attributes to set on the target's element in the next animation frame.
    collectTargetData: function(anim, elapsedTime, useCSS3, isLastFrame) {
        var targetId =,
            target = this.targetArr[targetId];
        if (!target) {
            // Create a thin wrapper around the target so that we can create a link between the
            // target element and its associated animations. This is important later when applying
            // attributes to the target so that each animation can be independently run with its own
            // duration and stopped at any point without affecting other animations for the same target.
            target = this.targetArr[targetId] = {
                id: targetId,
                anims: {}

        // This is a wrapper for the animation so that we can also save state along with it,
        // including the current elapsed time and lastFrame status. Even though this method only
        // adds a single anim object per call, each target element could have multiple animations
        // associated with it, which is why the anim is added to the target's `anims` hash by id.
        target.anims[] = {
            anim: anim,
            elapsed: elapsedTime,
            isLastFrame: isLastFrame,
            // This is the object that gets applied to the target element below in applyPendingAttrs():
            attributes: [{
                duration: anim.duration,
                easing: (useCSS3 &amp;&amp; anim.reverse) ? anim.easingFn.reverse().toCSS3() : anim.easing,
                // This is where the magic happens. The anim calculates what its new attributes should
                // be based on the current frame and returns those as a hash of values.
                attrs: anim.runAnim(elapsedTime)
        return target;
<span id='Ext-fx-Manager-method-applyPendingAttrs'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Apply all pending attribute changes to their targets
    applyPendingAttrs: function() {
        var targetArr = this.targetArr,
            target, targetId, animWrap, anim, animId;
        // Loop through each target
        for (targetId in targetArr) {
            if (targetArr.hasOwnProperty(targetId)) {
                target = targetArr[targetId];
                // Each target could have multiple associated animations, so iterate those
                for (animId in target.anims) {
                    if (target.anims.hasOwnProperty(animId)) {
                        animWrap = target.anims[animId];
                        anim = animWrap.anim;
                        // If the animation has valid attributes, set them on the target
                        if (animWrap.attributes &amp;&amp; anim.isRunning()) {
                            //Ext.log('  &gt;   applying attributes for anim ',, ', target: ',, ', elapsed: ', animWrap.elapsed);
                            target.el.setAttr(animWrap.attributes, false, animWrap.isLastFrame);
                            // If this particular anim is at the last frame end it
                            if (animWrap.isLastFrame) {
                                //Ext.log('      running last frame for ',, ', target: ', targetId);