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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-fx-Queue'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.fx.Queue
 * Animation Queue mixin to handle chaining and queueing by target.
 * @private

Ext.define('Ext.fx.Queue', {

    requires: ['Ext.util.HashMap'],

    constructor: function() {
        this.targets = new Ext.util.HashMap();
        this.fxQueue = {};

    // @private
    getFxDefaults: function(targetId) {
        var target = this.targets.get(targetId);
        if (target) {
            return target.fxDefaults;
        return {};

    // @private
    setFxDefaults: function(targetId, obj) {
        var target = this.targets.get(targetId);
        if (target) {
            target.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(target.fxDefaults || {}, obj);

    // @private
    stopAnimation: function(targetId) {
        var me = this,
            queue = me.getFxQueue(targetId),
            ln = queue.length;
        while (ln) {
            queue[ln - 1].end();

<span id='Ext-fx-Queue-method-getActiveAnimation'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Returns current animation object if the element has any effects actively running or queued, else returns false.
    getActiveAnimation: function(targetId) {
        var queue = this.getFxQueue(targetId);
        return (queue &amp;&amp; !!queue.length) ? queue[0] : false;

    // @private
    hasFxBlock: function(targetId) {
        var queue = this.getFxQueue(targetId);
        return queue &amp;&amp; queue[0] &amp;&amp; queue[0].block;

    // @private get fx queue for passed target, create if needed.
    getFxQueue: function(targetId) {
        if (!targetId) {
            return false;
        var me = this,
            queue = me.fxQueue[targetId],
            target = me.targets.get(targetId);

        if (!target) {
            return false;

        if (!queue) {
            me.fxQueue[targetId] = [];
            // GarbageCollector will need to clean up Elements since they aren't currently observable
            if (target.type != 'element') {
                target.target.on('destroy', function() {
                    me.fxQueue[targetId] = [];
        return me.fxQueue[targetId];

    // @private
    queueFx: function(anim) {
        var me = this,
            target = anim.target,
            queue, ln;

        if (!target) {

        queue = me.getFxQueue(target.getId());
        ln = queue.length;

        if (ln) {
            if (anim.concurrent) {
                anim.paused = false;
            else {
                queue[ln - 1].on('afteranimate', function() {
                    anim.paused = false;
        else {
            anim.paused = false;
        anim.on('afteranimate', function() {
            Ext.Array.remove(queue, anim);
            if (anim.remove) {
                if (target.type == 'element') {
                    var el = Ext.get(target.id);
                    if (el) {
        }, this);