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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-grid-feature-RowWrap'>/**
</span> * @private
Ext.define('Ext.grid.feature.RowWrap', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.feature.Feature',
    alias: 'feature.rowwrap',

    // turn off feature events.
    hasFeatureEvent: false,

    init: function() {
        if (!this.disabled) {

    getRowSelector: function(){
        return 'tr:has(&gt; ' + this.view.cellSelector + ')';

    enable: function(){
        var me = this,
            view = me.view;

        // we need to mutate the rowSelector since the template changes the ordering
        me.savedRowSelector = view.rowSelector;
        view.rowSelector = me.getRowSelector();

        // Extra functionality needed on header resize when row is wrapped:
        // Every individual cell in a column needs its width syncing.
        // So we produce a different column selector which includes al TDs in a column
        view.getComponentLayout().getColumnSelector = me.getColumnSelector;

    disable: function(){
        var me = this,
            view = me.view,
            saved = me.savedRowSelector;

        if (saved) {
            view.rowSelector = saved;
        delete me.savedRowSelector;

    mutateMetaRowTpl: function(metaRowTpl) {  
        var prefix = Ext.baseCSSPrefix;      
        // Remove &quot;x-grid-row&quot; from the first row, note this could be wrong
        // if some other feature unshifted things in front.
        metaRowTpl[0] = metaRowTpl[0].replace(prefix + 'grid-row', '');
        metaRowTpl[0] = metaRowTpl[0].replace(&quot;{[this.embedRowCls()]}&quot;, &quot;&quot;);
        // 2
        metaRowTpl.unshift('&lt;table class=&quot;' + prefix + 'grid-table ' + prefix + 'grid-table-resizer&quot; style=&quot;width: {[this.embedFullWidth()]}px;&quot;&gt;');
        // 1
        metaRowTpl.unshift('&lt;tr class=&quot;' + prefix + 'grid-row {[this.embedRowCls()]}&quot;&gt;&lt;td colspan=&quot;{[this.embedColSpan()]}&quot;&gt;&lt;div class=&quot;' + prefix + 'grid-rowwrap-div&quot;&gt;');

        // 3
        // 4

    embedColSpan: function() {
        return '{colspan}';

    embedFullWidth: function() {
        return '{fullWidth}';

    getAdditionalData: function(data, idx, record, orig) {
        var headerCt = this.view.headerCt,
            colspan  = headerCt.getColumnCount(),
            fullWidth = headerCt.getFullWidth(),
            items    = headerCt.query('gridcolumn'),
            itemsLn  = items.length,
            i = 0,
            o = {
                colspan: colspan,
                fullWidth: fullWidth

        for (; i &lt; itemsLn; i++) {
            id = items[i].id;
            tdClsKey = id + '-tdCls';
            colResizerCls = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-col-resizer-'+id;
            // give the inner td's the resizer class
            // while maintaining anything a user may have injected via a custom
            // renderer
            o[tdClsKey] = colResizerCls + &quot; &quot; + (orig[tdClsKey] ? orig[tdClsKey] : '');
            // TODO: Unhackify the initial rendering width's
            o[id+'-tdAttr'] = &quot; style=\&quot;width: &quot; + (items[i].hidden ? 0 : items[i].getDesiredWidth()) + &quot;px;\&quot; &quot;/* + (i === 0 ? &quot; rowspan=\&quot;2\&quot;&quot; : &quot;&quot;)*/;
            if (orig[id+'-tdAttr']) {
                o[id+'-tdAttr'] += orig[id+'-tdAttr'];

        return o;

    getMetaRowTplFragments: function() {
        return {
            embedFullWidth: this.embedFullWidth,
            embedColSpan: this.embedColSpan

    getColumnSelector: function(header) {
        var s = Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grid-col-resizer-' +;
        return 'th.' + s + ',td.' + s;