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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea'>/**
</span> * @docauthor Robert Dougan &lt;rob@sencha.com&gt;
 * This class creates a multiline text field, which can be used as a direct replacement for traditional
 * textarea fields. In addition, it supports automatically {@link #grow growing} the height of the textarea to
 * fit its content.
 * All of the configuration options from {@link Ext.form.field.Text} can be used on TextArea.
 * Example usage:
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.form.FormPanel', {
 *         title      : 'Sample TextArea',
 *         width      : 400,
 *         bodyPadding: 10,
 *         renderTo   : Ext.getBody(),
 *         items: [{
 *             xtype     : 'textareafield',
 *             grow      : true,
 *             name      : 'message',
 *             fieldLabel: 'Message',
 *             anchor    : '100%'
 *         }]
 *     });
 * Some other useful configuration options when using {@link #grow} are {@link #growMin} and {@link #growMax}.
 * These allow you to set the minimum and maximum grow heights for the textarea.
 * **NOTE:** In some browsers, carriage returns ('\r', not to be confused with new lines)
 * will be automatically stripped out the value is set to the textarea. Since we cannot
 * use any reasonable method to attempt to re-insert these, they will automatically be
 * stripped out to ensure the behaviour is consistent across browser.
Ext.define('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {
    alias: ['widget.textareafield', 'widget.textarea'],
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.form.TextArea',
    requires: [

    // This template includes a \n after &lt;textarea&gt; opening tag so that an initial value starting 
    // with \n does not lose its first character when the markup is parsed.
    // Both textareas below have the same value:
    // &lt;textarea&gt;initial value&lt;/textarea&gt;
    // &lt;textarea&gt;
    // initial value
    // &lt;/textarea&gt;
    fieldSubTpl: [
        '&lt;textarea id=&quot;{id}&quot; {inputAttrTpl}',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;name&quot;&gt; name=&quot;{name}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;rows&quot;&gt; rows=&quot;{rows}&quot; &lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;cols&quot;&gt; cols=&quot;{cols}&quot; &lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;placeholder&quot;&gt; placeholder=&quot;{placeholder}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;size&quot;&gt; size=&quot;{size}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;maxLength !== undefined&quot;&gt; maxlength=&quot;{maxLength}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;readOnly&quot;&gt; readonly=&quot;readonly&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;disabled&quot;&gt; disabled=&quot;disabled&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;tabIdx&quot;&gt; tabIndex=&quot;{tabIdx}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            ' class=&quot;{fieldCls} {typeCls}&quot; ',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;fieldStyle&quot;&gt; style=&quot;{fieldStyle}&quot;&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            ' autocomplete=&quot;off&quot;&gt;\n',
            '&lt;tpl if=&quot;value&quot;&gt;{[Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(values.value)]}&lt;/tpl&gt;',
            disableFormats: true

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-growMin'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Number} growMin
     * The minimum height to allow when {@link #grow}=true
    growMin: 60,

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-growMax'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Number} growMax
     * The maximum height to allow when {@link #grow}=true
    growMax: 1000,

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-growAppend'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {String} growAppend
     * A string that will be appended to the field's current value for the purposes of calculating the target field
     * size. Only used when the {@link #grow} config is true. Defaults to a newline for TextArea to ensure there is
     * always a space below the current line.
    growAppend: '\n-',

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-cols'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Number} cols
     * An initial value for the 'cols' attribute on the textarea element. This is only used if the component has no
     * configured {@link #width} and is not given a width by its container's layout.
    cols: 20,

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-rows'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Number} rows
     * An initial value for the 'rows' attribute on the textarea element. This is only used if the component has no
     * configured {@link #height} and is not given a height by its container's layout. Defaults to 4.
    rows: 4,

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-enterIsSpecial'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Boolean} enterIsSpecial
     * True if you want the ENTER key to be classed as a special key and the {@link #specialkey} event to be fired
     * when ENTER is pressed.
    enterIsSpecial: false,

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-cfg-preventScrollbars'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Boolean} preventScrollbars
     * true to prevent scrollbars from appearing regardless of how much text is in the field. This option is only
     * relevant when {@link #grow} is true. Equivalent to setting overflow: hidden.
    preventScrollbars: false,

    // private
    componentLayout: 'textareafield',
    setGrowSizePolicy: Ext.emptyFn,
    returnRe: /\r/g,

    // private
    getSubTplData: function() {
        var me = this,
            fieldStyle = me.getFieldStyle(),
            ret = me.callParent();

        if (me.grow) {
            if (me.preventScrollbars) {
                ret.fieldStyle = (fieldStyle||'') + ';overflow:hidden;height:' + me.growMin + 'px';

        Ext.applyIf(ret, {
            cols: me.cols,
            rows: me.rows

        return ret;

    afterRender: function () {
        var me = this;


        me.needsMaxCheck = me.enforceMaxLength &amp;&amp; me.maxLength !== Number.MAX_VALUE &amp;&amp; !Ext.supports.TextAreaMaxLength;
        if (me.needsMaxCheck) {
            me.inputEl.on('paste', me.onPaste, me);
    // The following overrides deal with an issue whereby some browsers
    // will strip carriage returns from the textarea input, while others
    // will not. Since there's no way to be sure where to insert returns,
    // the best solution is to strip them out in all cases to ensure that
    // the behaviour is consistent in a cross browser fashion. As such,
    // we override in all cases when setting the value to control this.
    transformRawValue: function(value){
        return this.stripReturns(value);
    transformOriginalValue: function(value){
        return this.stripReturns(value); 
    valueToRaw: function(value){
        value = this.stripReturns(value);
        return this.callParent([value]);
    stripReturns: function(value){
        if (value) {
            value = value.replace(this.returnRe, '');
        return value;

    onPaste: function(e){
        var me = this;
        if (!me.pasteTask) {
            me.pasteTask = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(me.pasteCheck, me);
        // since we can't get the paste data, we'll give the area a chance to populate
    pasteCheck: function(){
        var me = this,
            value = me.getValue(),
            max = me.maxLength;
        if (value.length &gt; max) {
            value = value.substr(0, max);

    // private
    fireKey: function(e) {
        var me = this,
            key = e.getKey(),
        if (e.isSpecialKey() &amp;&amp; (me.enterIsSpecial || (key !== e.ENTER || e.hasModifier()))) {
            me.fireEvent('specialkey', me, e);
        if (me.needsMaxCheck &amp;&amp; key !== e.BACKSPACE &amp;&amp; key !== e.DELETE &amp;&amp; !e.isNavKeyPress() &amp;&amp; !me.isCutCopyPasteSelectAll(e, key)) {
            value = me.getValue();
            if (value.length &gt;= me.maxLength) {
    isCutCopyPasteSelectAll: function(e, key) {
        if (e.CTRL) {
            return key === e.A || key === e.C || key === e.V || key === e.X;
        return false;

<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-method-autoSize'>    /**
</span>     * Automatically grows the field to accomodate the height of the text up to the maximum field height allowed. This
     * only takes effect if {@link #grow} = true, and fires the {@link #autosize} event if the height changes.
    autoSize: function() {
        var me = this,

        if (me.grow &amp;&amp; me.rendered) {
            height = me.inputEl.getHeight();
            if (height !== me.lastInputHeight) {
<span id='Ext-form-field-TextArea-event-autosize'>                /**
</span>                 * @event autosize
                 * Fires when the {@link #autoSize} function is triggered and the field is resized according to
                 * the grow/growMin/growMax configs as a result. This event provides a hook for the developer
                 * to apply additional logic at runtime to resize the field if needed.
                 * @param {Ext.form.field.Text} this
                 * @param {Number} height
                me.fireEvent('autosize', me, height);
                me.lastInputHeight = height;

    // private
    initAria: function() {
        this.getActionEl().dom.setAttribute('aria-multiline', true);
    beforeDestroy: function(){
        var task = this.pasteTask;
        if (task) {