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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-slider-Thumb'>/**
</span> * @class Ext.slider.Thumb
 * @private
 * Represents a single thumb element on a Slider. This would not usually be created manually and would instead
 * be created internally by an {@link Ext.slider.Multi Multi slider}.
Ext.define('Ext.slider.Thumb', {
    requires: ['Ext.dd.DragTracker', 'Ext.util.Format'],
<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-property-topThumbZIndex'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * @property {Number} topThumbZIndex
     * The number used internally to set the z index of the top thumb (see promoteThumb for details)
    topZIndex: 10000,

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-cfg-slider'>    /**
</span>     * @cfg {Ext.slider.MultiSlider} slider (required)
     * The Slider to render to.

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-constructor'>    /**
</span>     * Creates new slider thumb.
     * @param {Object} [config] Config object.
    constructor: function(config) {
        var me = this;

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-property-slider'>        /**
</span>         * @property {Ext.slider.MultiSlider} slider
         * The slider this thumb is contained within
        Ext.apply(me, config || {}, {
            cls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb',

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-cfg-constrain'>            /**
</span>             * @cfg {Boolean} constrain True to constrain the thumb so that it cannot overlap its siblings
            constrain: false

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-render'>    /**
</span>     * Renders the thumb into a slider
    render: function() {
        var me = this;
        me.el = me.slider.innerEl.insertFirst(me.getElConfig());
    onRender: function() {
        if (this.disabled) {

    getElConfig: function() {
        var me = this,
            slider = me.slider,
            style = {};

        style[slider.vertical ? 'bottom' : 'left'] = slider.calculateThumbPosition(slider.normalizeValue(me.value)) + '%';
        return {
            style: style,
            id  :,
            cls : this.cls

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-move'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * move the thumb
    move: function(v, animate) {
        var el = this.el,
            styleProp = this.slider.vertical ? 'bottom' : 'left',

        v += '%';
        if (!animate) {
  [styleProp] = v;
        } else {
            to = {};
            to[styleProp] = v;
            if (!Ext.supports.GetPositionPercentage) {
                from = {};
                from[styleProp] =[styleProp];
            new Ext.fx.Anim({
                target: el,
                duration: 350,
                from: from,
                to: to

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-bringToFront'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Bring thumb dom element to front.
    bringToFront: function() {
        this.el.setStyle('zIndex', this.topZIndex);

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-sendToBack'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * Send thumb dom element to back.
    sendToBack: function() {
        this.el.setStyle('zIndex', '');

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-enable'>    /**
</span>     * Enables the thumb if it is currently disabled
    enable: function() {
        var me = this;

        me.disabled = false;
        if (me.el) {

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-disable'>    /**
</span>     * Disables the thumb if it is currently enabled
    disable: function() {
        var me = this;

        me.disabled = true;
        if (me.el) {

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-initEvents'>    /**
</span>     * Sets up an Ext.dd.DragTracker for this thumb
    initEvents: function() {
        var me = this,
            el = me.el;

        me.tracker = new Ext.dd.DragTracker({
            onBeforeStart: Ext.Function.bind(me.onBeforeDragStart, me),
            onStart      : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDragStart, me),
            onDrag       : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDrag, me),
            onEnd        : Ext.Function.bind(me.onDragEnd, me),
            tolerance    : 3,
            autoStart    : 300,
            overCls      : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-over'


<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-onBeforeDragStart'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker. If the slider is currently disabled,
     * this returns false to disable the DragTracker too.
     * @return {Boolean} False if the slider is currently disabled
    onBeforeDragStart : function(e) {
        if (this.disabled) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-onDragStart'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onStart template method. Adds the drag CSS class
     * to the thumb and fires the 'dragstart' event
    onDragStart: function(e){
        var me = this;

        me.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-drag');
        me.dragging = me.slider.dragging = true;
        me.dragStartValue = me.value;

        me.slider.fireEvent('dragstart', me.slider, e, me);

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-onDrag'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * This is tied into the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onDrag template method. This is called every time
     * the DragTracker detects a drag movement. It updates the Slider's value using the position of the drag
    onDrag: function(e) {
        var me       = this,
            slider   = me.slider,
            index    = me.index,
            newValue = me.getValueFromTracker(),

        // If dragged out of range, value will be undefined
        if (newValue !== undefined) {
            if (me.constrain) {
                above = slider.thumbs[index + 1];
                below = slider.thumbs[index - 1];

                if (below !== undefined &amp;&amp; newValue &lt;= below.value) {
                    newValue = below.value;

                if (above !== undefined &amp;&amp; newValue &gt;= above.value) {
                    newValue = above.value;
            slider.setValue(index, newValue, false);
            slider.fireEvent('drag', slider, e, me);

    getValueFromTracker: function() {
        var slider = this.slider,
            trackPoint = slider.getTrackpoint(this.tracker.getXY());

        // If dragged out of range, value will be undefined
        if (trackPoint !== undefined) {
            return slider.reversePixelValue(trackPoint);

<span id='Ext-slider-Thumb-method-onDragEnd'>    /**
</span>     * @private
     * This is tied to the internal Ext.dd.DragTracker's onEnd template method. Removes the drag CSS class and
     * fires the 'changecomplete' event with the new value
    onDragEnd: function(e) {
        var me     = this,
            slider = me.slider,
            value  = me.value;

        me.el.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'slider-thumb-drag');

        me.dragging = slider.dragging = false;
        slider.fireEvent('dragend', slider, e);

        if (me.dragStartValue != value) {
            slider.fireEvent('changecomplete', slider, value, me);

    destroy: function() {