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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-ux-ajax-XmlSimlet'>/**
</span> * This class simulates XML-based requests.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.ajax.XmlSimlet', {
    extend: 'Ext.ux.ajax.DataSimlet',
    alias: 'simlet.xml',

<span id='Ext-ux-ajax-XmlSimlet-property-xmlTpl'>    /**
</span>     * This template is used to populate the XML response. The configuration of the Reader
     * is available so that its `root` and `record` properties can be used as well as the
     * `fields` of the associated `model`. But beyond that, the way these pieces are put
     * together in the document requires the flexibility of a template.
    xmlTpl: [
            '&lt;tpl for=&quot;data&quot;&gt;',
        '    &lt;{parent.record}&gt;\n',
                '&lt;tpl for=&quot;parent.fields&quot;&gt;',
        '        &lt;{name}&gt;{[parent[values.name]]}&lt;/{name}&gt;\n',
        '    &lt;/{parent.record}&gt;\n',

    doGet: function (ctx) {
        var me = this,
            data = me.getData(ctx),
            page = me.getPage(ctx, data),
            reader = ctx.xhr.options.proxy.reader,
            ret = me.callParent(arguments), // pick up status/statusText
            response = {
                data: page,
                reader: reader,
                fields: reader.model.getFields(),
                root: reader.root,
                record: reader.record

        if (ctx.groupSpec) {
            response.summaryData = me.getSummary(ctx, data, page);

        var tpl = Ext.XTemplate.getTpl(me, 'xmlTpl'),
            xml = tpl.apply(response),

        if (typeof DOMParser != 'undefined') {
            doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xml, &quot;text/xml&quot;);
        } else {
            // IE doesn't have DOMParser, but fortunately, there is an ActiveX for XML
            doc = new ActiveXObject(&quot;Microsoft.XMLDOM&quot;);
            doc.async = false;

        ret.responseText = xml;
        ret.responseXML = doc;
        return ret;