_core.scss2.html 6.65 KB
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  <title>The source code</title>
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    // increased by 1px.  We cannot simply add the zero height/width for all browsers, because in IE quirks the height
    // of the clear element's parent element gets increased by 1px if the clear element has either height:0 or width:0.
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.#{$prefix}ie6 .#{$prefix}item-disabled {

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// Element shadows for browsers that support CSS3 box-shadow
.#{$prefix}css-shadow {
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// Element shadows for IE 8 and below
.#{$prefix}ie-shadow {
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    zoom: 1;

//box wrap - Ext.get(&quot;foo&quot;).boxWrap();
.#{$prefix}box-tl {
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.#{$prefix}box-br {
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.#{$prefix}container {
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    // the top margin of the first child element from collapsing.
    zoom: 1;
    // In modern browsers, we can use a pseudo :before element to prevent the top margin of the first child element from collapsing
    &amp;:before {
        content: &quot;&quot;;
        clear: both;
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// when the container class is used on a table, tbody, or tr (form layout),
// inserting content using the :before selector can cause problems
tr.#{$prefix}container:before {
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