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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Global_CSS'>/**
</span> * @class Global_CSS
 * Global CSS variables and mixins of Sencha Touch.

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-prefix'>/**
</span> * @var {string} $prefix
 * The prefix to be applied to all CSS selectors. If this is changed, it must also be changed in your
 * JavaScript application.
$prefix: 'x-' !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-theme-name'>/**
</span> * @var {string} $theme-name
 * The name of the theme. This must match the the output directory of the images.
 * (defaults to 'default')
$theme-name: 'default' !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-relative-image-path-for-uis'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean/string} $relative-image-path-for-uis
 * True to use a relative image path for all new UIs. If true, the path will be &quot;../images/&quot;.
 * It can also be a string of the path value.
 * It defaults to false, which means it will look for the images in the ExtJS SDK folder.
$relative-image-path-for-uis: false !default;

$color: #000 !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-font-family'>/**
</span> * @var {string} $font-family
 * The default font-family to be used throughout the theme.
$font-family: tahoma,arial,verdana,sans-serif !default;

$font-size  : 12px !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-base-gradient'>/**
</span> * @var {string} $base-gradient
 * The base gradient to be used throughout the theme.
$base-gradient: 'matte' !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-base-color'>/**
</span> * @var {color} $base-color
 * The base color to be used throughout the theme.
$base-color   : #C0D4ED !default;
$neutral-color: #eeeeee !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-not-found-images'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-not-found-images
 * True to include files which are not found when compiling your SASS
$include-missing-images: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-ie'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-ie
 * True to include Internet Explorer specific rules
$include-ie: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-ff'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-ff
 * True to include Firefox specific rules
$include-ff: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-chrome'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-chrome
 * True to include Chrome specific rules
$include-chrome: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-safari'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-safari
 * True to include Safari specific rules
$include-safari: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-opera'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-opera
 * True to include Opera specific rules
$include-opera: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-webkit'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $include-webkit
 * True to include Webkit specific rules
$include-webkit: true !default;

$supports-border-radius: true !default;
$supports-gradients: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-compile-all'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $compile-all
 * True to copile all CSS, even if above include rules are false
$compile-all: true !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-scope-reset-css'>/**
</span> * @var {boolean} $scope-reset-css
 * True to scope the reset CSS within the $prefix variable.
$scope-reset-css: false !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-css-shadow-background-color'>/**
</span> * @var {color} $css-shadow-background-color
 * The base color for CSS shadows
$css-shadow-background-color: #ccc !default;

<span id='Global_CSS-css_var-S-include-shadow-images'>/**
</span> * @var {color} $include-shadow-images
 * True to include all shadow images.
$include-shadow-images: true !default;