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  <pre class="prettyprint lang-js"><span id='Ext-form-field-File-css_mixin-extjs-form-file'>/**
</span> * Creates the base structure of file field.
 * @member Ext.form.field.File
@mixin extjs-form-file {

    .#{$prefix}form-file-wrap {
        .#{$prefix}form-text {
            color: #777;

        .#{$prefix}form-file-btn {
            overflow: hidden;

        .#{$prefix}form-file-input {
            position: absolute;
            top: -4px;
            right: -2px;
            height: $form-field-height + 8;
            @include opacity(0);

            /* Yes, there's actually a good reason for this...
             * If the configured buttonText is set to something longer than the default,
             * then it will quickly exceed the width of the hidden file input's &quot;Browse...&quot;
             * button, so part of the custom button's clickable area will be covered by
             * the hidden file input's text box instead. This results in a text-selection
             * mouse cursor over that part of the button, at least in Firefox, which is
             * confusing to a user. Giving the hidden file input a huge font-size makes
             * the native button part very large so it will cover the whole clickable area.
            font-size: 100px;