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    <title>FieldContainer Example</title>

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  <h1>FieldContainer Example</h1>

  <p>Several form fields can be placed onto the same row with a FieldContainer.</p>

  <p>The FieldContainer's child items are arranged like in any other container, using the
      <code>layout</code> configuration property. In this example, each FieldContainer
      is set to use an HBox layout - <a href="">see
      the HBox docs for details</a> or the <a href="../layout/hbox.html">HBox layout example</a>.</p>

  <p>FieldContainers can be configured with the combineErrors option, which combines errors from
      the sub fields and presents them at the container level.</p>

  <p>In this example the Date Range, Phone and Full Name items have this option enabled, and
      the Time worked item does not. The <a href="">msgTarget</a>
      config option is fully supported, so errors can be rendered to any of the supported locations.</p>

  <p>The js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="fieldcontainer.js">fieldcontainer.js</a>.</p>