form-grid.html 1.29 KB
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    <title>Form with embedded Grid</title>
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    <script type="text/javascript" src="form-grid.js"></script>
    <h1>Dynamic Form interacting with an embedded Grid</h1>

        This Form demonstrates the fact that by virtue of inheriting from the Ext <b><tt>Container</tt></b>
        class, an Ext.form.Panel can contain any Ext <b><tt>Component</tt></b>. This includes all the
        subclasses of Ext.Panel, including the GridPanel.
        The Grid demonstrates the use of creation of derived fields in a Record created using a custom
        <b><tt>convert</tt></b> function, and the use of column renderers.
        The Form demonstrates the use of radio buttons grouped by name being set by the value of the derived
        'rating' field.