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    <title>Writer Example</title>
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<h1>Ext.data.writer.Writer Example</h1>
<p>This example shows how to implement a Writer for your Store.  A Writer-enabled Store frees you from having to manually compose Ajax requests
to perform CRUD actions on a Store.</p>
<p>Note that the js is not minified so it is readable. See <a href="writer.js">writer.js</a>.

<p>The AjaxProxy plugged into the store in this example uses the <em>api</em> configuration instead of an <em>url</em>.
A simple MVC-like php backend has been created for this example which simulates a database by storing records in $_SESSION.  See the file /remote/app/controllers/users.php.  You may have to configure
your web-server to allow scripts to be executed in the /examples directory.</p>

<p>Take note of the requests being generated in Firebug as you interact with the Grid and Form.</p>

<p>An <b>Error has been simulated</b> on the server-side:  Attempting to update a record having <b>ODD</b>-numbered id will generate this errror.
Responses from the update action will have successProperty === false along with a message.  This error can be handled by
listening to the <b>"exception"</b> event upon your proxy.</p>
