CWidget.php 7.98 KB
 * CWidget class file.
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @link
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
 * @license

 * CWidget is the base class for widgets.
 * A widget is a self-contained component that may generate presentation
 * based on model data.  It can be viewed as a micro-controller that embeds
 * into the controller-managed views.
 * Compared with {@link CController controller}, a widget has neither actions nor filters.
 * Usage is described at {@link CBaseController} and {@link CBaseController::widget}.
 * @property CBaseController $owner Owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller.
 * @property string $id Id of the widget.
 * @property CController $controller The controller that this widget belongs to.
 * @property string $viewPath The directory containing the view files for this widget.
 * @author Qiang Xue <>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package system.web.widgets
 * @since 1.0
class CWidget extends CBaseController
	 * @var string the prefix to the IDs of the {@link actions}.
	 * When a widget is declared an action provider in {@link CController::actions},
	 * a prefix can be specified to differentiate its action IDs from others.
	 * The same prefix should then also be used to configure this property
	 * when the widget is used in a view of the controller.
	public $actionPrefix;
	 * @var mixed the name of the skin to be used by this widget. Defaults to 'default'.
	 * If this is set as false, no skin will be applied to this widget.
	 * @see CWidgetFactory
	 * @since 1.1
	public $skin='default';

	 * @var array view paths for different types of widgets
	private static $_viewPaths;
	 * @var integer the counter for generating implicit IDs.
	private static $_counter=0;
	 * @var string id of the widget.
	private $_id;
	 * @var CBaseController owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller.
	private $_owner;

	 * Returns a list of actions that are used by this widget.
	 * The structure of this method's return value is similar to
	 * that returned by {@link CController::actions}.
	 * When a widget uses several actions, you can declare these actions using
	 * this method. The widget will then become an action provider, and the actions
	 * can be easily imported into a controller.
	 * Note, when creating URLs referring to the actions listed in this method,
	 * make sure the action IDs are prefixed with {@link actionPrefix}.
	 * @return array
	 * @see actionPrefix
	 * @see CController::actions
	public static function actions()
		return array();

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param CBaseController $owner owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller.
	public function __construct($owner=null)

	 * Returns the owner/creator of this widget.
	 * @return CBaseController owner/creator of this widget. It could be either a widget or a controller.
	public function getOwner()
		return $this->_owner;

	 * Returns the ID of the widget or generates a new one if requested.
	 * @param boolean $autoGenerate whether to generate an ID if it is not set previously
	 * @return string id of the widget.
	public function getId($autoGenerate=true)
			return $this->_id;
		else if($autoGenerate)
			return $this->_id='yw'.self::$_counter++;

	 * Sets the ID of the widget.
	 * @param string $value id of the widget.
	public function setId($value)

	 * Returns the controller that this widget belongs to.
	 * @return CController the controller that this widget belongs to.
	public function getController()
		if($this->_owner instanceof CController)
			return $this->_owner;
			return Yii::app()->getController();

	 * Initializes the widget.
	 * This method is called by {@link CBaseController::createWidget}
	 * and {@link CBaseController::beginWidget} after the widget's
	 * properties have been initialized.
	public function init()

	 * Executes the widget.
	 * This method is called by {@link CBaseController::endWidget}.
	public function run()

	 * Returns the directory containing the view files for this widget.
	 * The default implementation returns the 'views' subdirectory of the directory containing the widget class file.
	 * If $checkTheme is set true, the directory "ThemeID/views/ClassName" will be returned when it exists.
	 * @param boolean $checkTheme whether to check if the theme contains a view path for the widget.
	 * @return string the directory containing the view files for this widget.
	public function getViewPath($checkTheme=false)
			return self::$_viewPaths[$className];
			if($checkTheme && ($theme=Yii::app()->getTheme())!==null)
				if(strpos($className,'\\')!==false) // namespaced class
					return self::$_viewPaths[$className]=$path;

			$class=new ReflectionClass($className);
			return self::$_viewPaths[$className]=dirname($class->getFileName()).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'views';

	 * Looks for the view script file according to the view name.
	 * This method will look for the view under the widget's {@link getViewPath viewPath}.
	 * The view script file is named as "ViewName.php". A localized view file
	 * may be returned if internationalization is needed. See {@link CApplication::findLocalizedFile}
	 * for more details.
	 * The view name can also refer to a path alias if it contains dot characters.
	 * @param string $viewName name of the view (without file extension)
	 * @return string the view file path. False if the view file does not exist
	 * @see CApplication::findLocalizedFile
	public function getViewFile($viewName)
		if(strpos($viewName,'.')) // a path alias
				return Yii::app()->findLocalizedFile($viewFile.$extension);
			else if($extension!=='.php' && is_file($viewFile.'.php'))
				return Yii::app()->findLocalizedFile($viewFile.'.php');

			return Yii::app()->findLocalizedFile($viewFile.$extension);
		else if($extension!=='.php' && is_file($viewFile.'.php'))
			return Yii::app()->findLocalizedFile($viewFile.'.php');
			return false;

	 * Renders a view.
	 * The named view refers to a PHP script (resolved via {@link getViewFile})
	 * that is included by this method. If $data is an associative array,
	 * it will be extracted as PHP variables and made available to the script.
	 * @param string $view name of the view to be rendered. See {@link getViewFile} for details
	 * about how the view script is resolved.
	 * @param array $data data to be extracted into PHP variables and made available to the view script
	 * @param boolean $return whether the rendering result should be returned instead of being displayed to end users
	 * @return string the rendering result. Null if the rendering result is not required.
	 * @throws CException if the view does not exist
	 * @see getViewFile
	public function render($view,$data=null,$return=false)
			return $this->renderFile($viewFile,$data,$return);
			throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','{widget} cannot find the view "{view}".',
				array('{widget}'=>get_class($this), '{view}'=>$view)));