CJuiDroppable.php 2.07 KB
 * CJuiDroppable class file.
 * @author Sebastian Thierer <sebathi@gmail.com>
 * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2008-2011 Yii Software LLC
 * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/


 * CJuiDroppable displays a droppable widget.
 * CJuiDroppable encapsulates the {@link http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ JUI Droppable}
 * plugin.
 * To use this widget, you may insert the following code in a view:
 * <pre>
 * $this->beginWidget('zii.widgets.jui.CJuiDroppable', array(
 *     // additional javascript options for the droppable plugin
 *     'options'=>array(
 *         'scope'=>'myScope',
 *     ),
 * ));
 *     echo 'Your droppable content here';
 * $this->endWidget();
 * </pre>
 * By configuring the {@link options} property, you may specify the options
 * that need to be passed to the JUI Droppable plugin. Please refer to
 * the {@link http://jqueryui.com/demos/droppable/ JUI Droppable} documentation
 * for possible options (name-value pairs).
 * @author Sebastian Thierer <sebathi@gmail.com>
 * @version $Id$
 * @package zii.widgets.jui
 * @since 1.1
class CJuiDroppable extends CJuiWidget
	 * @var string the HTML tag name of the Droppable element. Defaults to 'div'.
	public $tagName='div';

	 * Renders the open tag of the droppable element.
	 * This method also registers the necessary javascript code.
	public function init()
		if (isset($this->htmlOptions['id']))
			$id = $this->htmlOptions['id'];

		echo CHtml::openTag($this->tagName,$this->htmlOptions)."\n";
		$options=empty($this->options) ? '' : CJavaScript::encode($this->options);

	 * Renders the close tag of the droppable element.
	public function run(){
		echo CHtml::closeTag($this->tagName);
