Vector.h 5.53 KB
//    Lightweight Arduino Compatible implementation of key STL Vector methods
// Zac Staples
// zacstaples (at) mac (dot) com
// 13 June 2014...Friday the 13th...therfore this is probably broken
// I needed a data structure to hold refernces and/or pointers as a data
// member of an abstract class for sensors on my robot.  That's the point
// I decided I wanted the basic implementation of the STL vector available
// to me in my Arduino sketches.  This is not a complete implementation of
// the STL vector, but is designed to be "good enough" to take sketches
// further into OOP.
// Based on Stroustrup's basic implementation of vector in Programming 3rd
// edition page 656 and his Simple allocator from The c++ programming
// language, 4th edition.  However, I needed info from the following sources
// to implement to allocator to correctly handle placement new in
// the AVR/Arduino environment.
// Released on the beer license...if this works for you...then remember my
// name an buy me a beer sometime.

// This library is changed and otimized by Joao Lopes F

#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H

#include <Arduino.h>

//* Begin change by JoaoLopesF
//#define INT int
#define INT uint8_t
// Replace all i++ to i++
//* End change by JoaoLopes

//as far as I can tell placement new is not included with AVR or arduino.h
template<typename T>
void* operator new(size_t s, T* v){
	return v;

//                               Allocator for Vector
template<typename T> struct Simple_alloc {

	Simple_alloc() {};

	//memory allocation
	T* allocate(INT n)
		{ return reinterpret_cast<T*>(new char[n*sizeof(T)]); }
	void deallocate(T* p, INT n)
		{ delete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(p); }

	void construct(T* p, const T& t) { new(p) T(t); }
	void destroy(T* p) { p->~T(); }

//                               Vector
template<class T, class A = Simple_alloc<T> >
class Vector {

	A alloc;

	INT sz;
	T* elem;
	INT space;

	Vector(const Vector&);			//private copy constrution because I
									//have not got this working yet and don't
									//want to expose this for clients who might
									//be expecting it.

	Vector() : sz(0), elem(0), space(0) {}
	Vector(const INT s) : sz(0) {

	Vector& operator=(const Vector&);	//copy assignment

	~Vector() {
		//* Begin change by JoaoLopesF
		//for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++) alloc.destroy(&elem[i]);
		//* End change by JoaoLopes

	T& operator[](INT n) { return elem[n]; }
	const T& operator[](INT n) const { return elem[n]; }

	INT size() const { return sz; }
	INT capacity() const { return space; }

	void reserve(INT newalloc);
	void push_back(const T& val);

	//* Begin change by JoaoLopesF
	void erase(INT index);
	void clear();
	//* End change by JoaoLopes


template<class T, class A>
Vector<T, A>& Vector<T, A>::operator=(const Vector& a) {
	if(this==&a) return *this;

	if(a.size()<=space) {	//enough space, no need for new allocation
		for(INT i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
		sz = a.size();
		return *this;

	T* p = alloc.allocate(a.size());	//get new memory
	for(INT i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
		alloc.construct(&p[i], a[i]);	//copy
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
	space = sz = a.size();
	elem = p;
	return *this;

template<class T, class A> void Vector<T, A>::reserve(INT newalloc){
	if(newalloc <= space) return;		                    //never decrease space
	T* p = alloc.allocate(newalloc);
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
		alloc.construct(&p[i], elem[i]);	//copy
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
	alloc.deallocate(elem, space);
	elem = p;
	space = newalloc;

template<class T, class A>
void Vector<T, A>::push_back(const T& val){
	//* Begin change by JoaoLopesF
//	if(space == 0) reserve(4);				//start small
//	else if(sz==space) reserve(2*space);
	if(space == 0) reserve(2);				//Just alloc more few items
	else if(sz==space) reserve(space + 2);
	//* End change by JoaoLopes
	alloc.construct(&elem[sz], val);

//* Begin change by JoaoLopesF

template<class T, class A> void Vector<T, A>::erase(INT index){ // Erase one item
	if(index >= sz) return;
	INT newalloc = sz - 1;
	T* p = alloc.allocate(newalloc);
	INT add = 0;
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
		if (i != index) // Not for item to be erased
			alloc.construct(&p[add++], elem[i]); //copy
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
	alloc.deallocate(elem, space);
	elem = p;
	space = newalloc;
	sz = newalloc;

template<class T, class A> void Vector<T, A>::clear(){ // Clear all
	for(INT i=0; i<sz; i++)
	if (space > 0) {
//		Serial.print("*** clear: size= ");
//		Serial.print(sz);
//		Serial.print(" space=");
//		Serial.println(space);
		alloc.deallocate(elem, space);

//* End change by JoaoLopes